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Fly Tying
Fred H.

I Cheated

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That's not cheating what so ever. For example, I tie dozens of of 'food pellet' flies every year for Oatka so he can chase the hatchery trucks around. What's the issue . . .?


Seriously, matching the hatch weather it's bugs, bait or vegetables is the name of the game. Seaweed flies for carp? Absolutely!! Glow bugs for steelhead? Wouldn't leave home without them!!!

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You adopted, you overcame--you saved your manhood! :flex:




PS....Please keep your "hot dog" fly to yourself!







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Oh how brilliant. If only I had such a brainstorm as I watched the water explode upstream when a family was feeding the trout in the stream that ran by their house. As the pellets if food drifted by the fish fed constantly, and selectively, but not on my flies. Opening day blues come in many forms.


:ripped: :hyst: :wallbash:

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Well, I've tied up a spun deer hair fish food pellet to use on my buddies pond. He feeds his fish regularly, and when he does the catfish come up and raise a ruckus and you can't catch a dern thing. It didn't work, though. Dang cats became selective.


I believe it was W. C. Fields who once said, "Anything worth winning is worth cheating for..." :P

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CHEATED! Not a chance!! You merely improvised and cleverly carboned her kernal with your craft. Well done!!! Kudos to you.... Fred :yahoo:


Roll Q___Cast

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A bait dunkin buddy does the corn gig on some of the lakes here in the nor Cal foothills. His stepson is infatuated with fly fishin so I tied him up a couple of "corn giblet" flies similiar to yours but with open cell foam. the kid commenced to soak em in the corn juice from the can and was outfishin his dad! :yahoo: My buddy said it was cheatin till i pointed out that what he was doing was illegal and his son was clearly legal!

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I have used a sling shot to bait a flat for carp. then used such a fly (yellow mcfly foam) and done well I have no problem with what you did. Plus it is your property I could care less what you do there.

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Dear Fred, Merely you were "Matching the hatch", I truly like your "Niblet Emerger", and am waiting intently for your still born shuck Niblet. The way I see it, fun was had by all, so hold your head proud! Now, may I suggest a couple Tiger Muskie in your pond. I love fish with big nasty bitin` teeth, or big poochie Angelina Jolie lips.



Cheers, Futzer.




PS, Day 5 I want to party, eeerrr fish carp with you cowboy, the two of us together forget it. I will bring my own Kevlar gloves and stunt liver.


Thank you for my blatant use of Bill Murray's lines from "Stripes", double cheers. Futzer.




I have used a sling shot to bait a flat for carp. then used such a fly (yellow mcfly foam) and done well I have no problem with what you did. Plus it is your property I could care less what you do there.

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Dear Fred, Merely you were "Matching the hatch", I truly like your "Niblet Emerger", and am waiting intently for your still born shuck Niblet. They way I see it, fun was had by all, so hold your head proud! Now, may I suggest a couple Tiger Muskie in your pond. I love fish with big nasty bitin` teeth, or big poochie Angelina Jolie lips.



Cheers, Futzer.




PS, Day 5 I want to party, eeerrr fish carp with you cowboy, the two of us together forget it. I will bring my own Kevlar gloves and stunt liver.


Thank you for my blatant use of Bill Murray's lines from "Stripes", double cheers. Futzer.




I have used a sling shot to bait a flat for carp. then used such a fly (yellow mcfly foam) and done well I have no problem with what you did. Plus it is your property I could care less what you do there.



We have raised enough money that now we supply the gloves. Cmon down!

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