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Fly Tying

Down eye vs straight eye

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A friend wants me to tie him a couple hundred crappie candies.

I usually tie them on a 4x st eye just because I learned that way.

Using a 4x down eye would be much cheaper and they are easier to



My question for more experienced people is will it really make any

difference? I don't know if it would make any real difference in

the action of the fly.


tight lines and heavy creels


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Great question!


I have heard of a difference in "action" or more of how a fly "sits" when talking about up / strait / down eye on dry flies but I am not sure how the action would be affected as far as up / strait / down eye for streamers go.



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I tried straight eyed hooks a few years ago after watching Jack Gartside tie and noticed an improved hook up rate. I also feel that flies tied on these fish better.

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I like the way a straight eye streamer LOOKS better than a down eye, but I've tied and fished hundreds of both and have not noticed any real world difference at all. IMO it depends on your personal preference when it comes to non-traditional patterns.

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I like the straight eye hooks for my baitfish and streamer patterns. If you're tying a lot of Crappie Candy, you might consider using an Aberdeen style crappie hook. The Eagle Claw hooks are sharp, and fairly inexpensive, about $5 or less per 100. They come in gold and bronze.

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Being and inverted fly with the eyes tied on the top of the shank, it will take a little more wight to fully turn over the hook.  I have had problems with bead chain turning over down eye hooks.  I think in your case it would be the biggest issue.Deeky

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I dunno why, but I definitely have an increased hook up rate using nymphs tied on a straight eye hook over other styles.

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I've not noticed any difference in how the various eye styles affect action or hooking, but deeky's observation about turnover problems with light eyes makes sense.



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Sorry I took so long to get back on line. I love this forum.

It really helps to get ideas and opinions from more experienced people.

I never thought of the problem of turning the hook over that deeky

brought up or using an aberdeen hook in my attempt to economize.


you all have given me some ideas. So thanks and



tight lines and heavy creels




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With such a debateable topic, I'd keep in mind what's gonna make your friend happiest. If he's really excited about what he sees he'll tell other people, and just maybe you'll be getting more orders for flies! :)

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