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Black Chinned hummer in hand

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I had to post this one. This is the first time I have ever held a hummer. My wife does it all the time, but they never let me. This time, it did, well he sat on me. This was the most amazing thing ever. Close up, that close up they are so amazing. This little guy was so comfortable he sat there on my pinky for about two minutes before he would pee and leave lol. Though I got the pee, it was still an amazing deal. My wife was on the camera this time.




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My hummers are pretty tolerant of me and even my dog, but they won't let you get that close, and if you're too near the feeder they won't come to that particular one. Of course I have six feeders out, so they've got plenty of choices.

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Wow! That's cool! Did you pluck any feathers for Bud?

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those are unbelievable shots! What cool little birds. We had maybe four I saw all summer here last year. I am going to try puttnig out a feeder this summer to see if perhaps I can get more around. All four last year were Ruby Throated Hummers.

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That is great Ashby..I dont know if the ones around my feeder will ever let me get that close..

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Fantastic shots. Are these wild birds? You are lucky people to have these stunners around



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Fantastic shots. Are these wild birds? You are lucky people to have these stunners around




Heck yeah they're wild!!! The best I've done has been 18 countable hummers at one time at my feeders.


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Great shots Ashby! Their little feet feel funny don't they? We have some that will sit on your finger without hesitation while others are more shy. We had one female last summer (the hummingbirds aren't back yet around here) that wouldn't rest on your finger but she would drop her feet every couple seconds to touch you. She was very curious. She would hover within 12" of my face just checking me out. I kept waiting for her to stab me in the eye! :lol:

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Stuck for word here Ashby. Those are seriously amazing shots. That second shot showing the water droplets as well...amazing.


As I said on a previous post, we don't get these in the UK. I had never realised how tiny they were (or how huge other people's hands were ;) )


Just superb.

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Thanks guys for all the posts. First, yes these are all wild hummers. My wife and I and the kids are out there with them almost every day to some extent. They are used to me having my camera shoved in there faces and my wife trying to rub them while they feed.


The Black Chinned, we have been working with pretty hard for the past two week or so to get them used to us. They are very small, very soft and their feet do tickle when they stand on you. We have three males and two female Black Chinned as of now. One of the males looks to be a hybrid but we are not sure. We have some research to do on that one.


Right now between all five species we have around 20 to 30 hummers at any given time. It sounds like an airport out there. They are a lot of fun to watch and be around, even more fun when you try to touch one that is not used to you and he gets right in your face and starts chewing you a new one. Anyway, glad you like the pictures.



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