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Silver Doctor

Head Glue container

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Through the years I used commercial head cement. and then back to spar varnish. Sally's was a great one also which came in it's own little bottle keeping the stuff from drying. I'm now using Minwax Polycrylic, it's really nice and give me a great gloss and above all it's low odor and thinks with water.


I've purchased a couple of commercial head cement containers that have a built in needle {the way I prefer to apply head cement as it gives me control in build up} but find that they tend to let in air and the cone shaped "stopper" inside the cap keeps popping out when I take off the cap. I just may fasten it down with Sho-goo.


Anyway has anyone run across an ultimate glue bottle either a commercial product or "found" container for filling with bulk head cement?

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For my travel kit I use an emptied and cleaned nail polish bottle. After all the bottle is specifically designed to hold solvent based material without letting it leak or evaporate.

For my bench I use the Dyna-King head cement reservoir, it also works with solvents and likewise doesn't let things dry out. Additionally it comes with a needle in a delrin handle.

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Take the top off a catsup bottle (the one with the flip top) and put it on the standard size of head cement bottle - it fits perfectly. You can quickly dip your bodkin into the cement to apply it and open and close it with one hand. Probably not the way to travel with it, but a great way to have ready access at the bench and still not have it dry out. Learned this one from Sister Carol Anne Corley.




Here's a link to the video.....

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Can't say enough good about the Dynaking resevoir. It's really hard to tip over too. I wore out my "O" ring gaskets and I couldn't find a dealer with parts on the web. I emailed them and they sent me new ones for free.


I pour right in to it from the can of poly and it works great.



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if you apply a very thin coating of vasoline to the o-rings they will not accumulate head cement and the needle handle will seat and come out very easily. Tip from I got from Ron Abby years ago and it really does make the reservoir easy to use.

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try sally Hansen's hard as nails nail polish in clear it what they use for waspi etc... head cement.if you do not thin, it will cover and gloss in 3-6 coats but has to dry in between coats. and yes it come in it own little bottle it what i have use on my glossiest head flies i like it best over black thread it what i use on my salmon flies.

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Just looked up the Dyna King reservoir. I like it!!! Might have to look into getting one!! Although then I guess I'd have to start using cement again!



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