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How many of you have a great girlfriend or wife?

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First off, for those who dont know I'm a long haul truck driver. I get to come home every 2 weeks or so for the weekend, and then Im back out on the road again making a livin. Today is her 40th birthday. Not knocking the 40th, but thats kind of a milestone. It's when we really start having fingers pointed at us saying we're old. Well, we're going fishing, and she said I get to choose the place. That's how I know I have a great girlfriend. It's her birthday, yet I get to go fishing. amazing!!!

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Any woman who fishes is worth keeping! My wife fishes and we even fished on our honeymoon....not the whole time. Yesterday she let me fish for an hour while she had to watch since she didn't have her license. The whole time she had kid duty too.


Happy birthday to your girlfriend! I hope she outfishes you!

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My new wife is wonderful, she not only likes to fish but insisted that I book a cabin by the James River for our honeymoon.

She is always telling me to chill and do some fishing or her favorite words.............why dont you go and tie a fly............. :D :yahoo:



Mike..................................................... B)

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My wife is very tolerant of all my major malfunctions. Between fishing, hunting, and my weird work hours, she is always understanding.

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My wife is the one who encouraged me to start tying flies to satisfy the artist in me. She told me to try fly fishing because she knew I would like that kind of fishing. She bought me the components for the first rod I ever built...but checked to be sure it would be what I wanted. She encouraged me to buy my first bow. Now we are looking for a new one for her, too. She taught me to camp years ago. She goes kayaking and canoeing with me as well. Best of all, she seems to know when I need to do these things alone, too.


She is a peach. :D

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My wife and I fish together at home about three times a week and lets me fish with my buddies on the weekends.My flytying station and computer are in the same room and when I'm tying she often busys her self on the computer and we talk as we both do our thing she calls it quality time.And so do I.

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