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Some patterns call for seal fur. I'm having trouble finding it. Where is a good place to get some or what is a suitable replacement. Thanks

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First off, welcome to the site ;)


Yuo can get seal dubbing from John McClain at feathersmc.com.

I often sub using Dave Whitlock SLF dubbing

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The SLF dubbing was invented by Davy Wotton. WAPSI bought the company from him.




He is now a guide on the White River




Mr.Whitlock has "designed" a few blends, but he did not invent or discover the material.


To the original poster. If you can´t obtain seal fur, then get some Mohair from your local wool shop etc. It is a pretty good natural substitute.






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No problem at all. I just recently found a lot of ads for SLF with Mr.Whitlock´s name, while researching something else. This fogs up the true evolution of this material, and I don´t like such misleading advertising. I certainly was not attempting to censure you in any way at all. My apologies if it sounded like that.




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Thanks to all for the suggestions and help. I'll definately look into all the sites sent to me. Trying to find a substitute was driving me crazy. Thanks to all again.



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Not sure where you are, but I don't think we can get true seal dubbing here in the US. Someone else can correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think you can even import it. May be why you can't find it.



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John McLain does sell true seal fur as he has gotten it from old military jackets where it was used as insulation and has some other sources. A small bag (1 gram) of that stuff really goes a LONG way. I have tied several size 4/0 Green Highlanders and still have quite a bit left. If you are using it for nymphs there is no telling how long it would last. John has about every color imaginable on his site.




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John McLain does sell true seal fur as he has gotten it from old military jackets where it was used as insulation and has some other sources. A small bag (1 gram) of that stuff really goes a LONG way. I have tied several size 4/0 Green Highlanders and still have quite a bit left. If you are using it for nymphs there is no telling how long it would last. John has about every color imaginable on his site.




And if you order it from him today you'll have it within a week, I'm sure. He and I live in the same state and I think I got my seal fur in 2 days or something like that. Great guy!

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For some reason I get stuff from John in Michigan quicker than I get stuff from Atlanta. Usually I order it and get it within two days.

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Agreed with Mr. Inman, John ships wicked fast. Plus, he's a class act. By the way, there is no proper substitute for seal fur. It's just got it's own unique properties. Somethings may come close, but they're not "proper". Just my 2. -Jamie

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Sorry Mike, I did not mean to imply who invented the blend, merely that what I use is now packaged and sold as 'Dave Whitlock Synthetic Living Fibre Dubbing Blends'





Yea mike ya dummy!


I second feathermc!!! :headbang:

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