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original matarelli whip finisher

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Thanks halcyon, I do have couple of different types and was wondering which you all were refering to. Very nice set you have there.


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For anyone looking to buy a whip finish tool, spend the extra money and get the original and still the best.


I also like the matarelli bobbin holders, with their nice, thin tubes, though I use several other brands too.

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Yep, I've had one for many years, simply the best. I've taken a jewelers file and filed a small "V" in the bottom end so when done with the whip finish simply hit the thread and no scissors required :dunno:

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I have to weigh in on this one!! I have two original Matarelli whip finish tools,and have never needed to look elsewhwere!! The only "modification" I have made to them was to take a piece of heat shrink tubing,and shrink it onto the handle...this had the effect of making the brass handle a tad larger in diameter,and more importantly,less slippery. On the flip side of the coin,these tools being so good,has probably kept me from ever learning to whip finish by hand!! ( I never get serious about it!!) I can see where whipping by hand would be rather handy when I'm tying bass bugs,and anything large. But when it comes to trout sized stuff,I'll take the tool evey time! Speaking of Matarelli tools,I might toss in a comment or two about their bobbins. They are in my opinion,simply the best!! The Matarelli wasn't my first bobbin...but it was my first GOOD bobbin...I bought it sometime in the very late 60's or very early 70's and it's still going strong! I have since added to the collection!! Between the material he uses for the tubes,and the way they are finished they are SUPER smooth! I would stack them up against any ceramic bobbin available today!!


Just my 2 pennies!!





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