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What hackle do you use for for Seaducers?

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What hackle do you use for tying a Seaducer? Does it matter so long as it's hackle? I have some grizzly hen neck hackle and some white rooster saddle hackle and I was thinking about tying a few up.

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I use grizzly capon capes and deceiver hackle when I tie them. There are quite a few options available.

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According to The Book of Fly Patterns by Eric Leiser, saddle hackle. Since most of the neck hackles aren't always Keough grade, the longer feather hackles should be just fine. B)

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According to The Book of Fly Patterns by Eric Leiser, saddle hackle. Since most of the neck hackles aren't always Keough grade, the longer feather hackles should be just fine. B)



What is Keough grade?


After tying a few with the grizzly neck hackles I got a better handle on them and they seem fishable enough.


A seaducer with tan grizzly hackle just screams SHRIMP!!! It looks like too good of a fly to pass up.

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Hackle is graded #1, #2, #3 or gold, silver, bronze; etc.. Keough grade hackle used to be the most supple with the most hackle fibers that are very stiff on the stem, but now there is a master grade above that; which would be like a platinum or #0. There are fewer of these hackles available & the price is really expensive. Eric Leisers' The Metz Book of Hackle explains quality & color of Hacklemania selections ! B)

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I just ordered some saddle hackle in cream (more because I'm running low on cream hackle for my white buggers than anything and the hackle that J Stockard had for buggers was advertised as being for "hard to find 6 to 10 buggers". I won't be tying size 6 to 10 buggers.


I ended up getting a bunch of dumbbell eyes and EP fibers so the tan grizzly saddle hackle had to wait this time around. The hackle I have right now will have to do for bit longer

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what i use for the tarpon whistler or the seaducer type patterns is strung neck hackle in white, yellow ,black, chartreuse, barred tan, barred chartreuse, red, purple , etc... but i use white yellow and chartreuse the most use it for the body and the tails any ways good luck and tight lines rhino... i am sure jsflyfishing carries it to

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Have you seen the strung deceiver hackle? Awesome

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