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Ashby's pet Camel spider

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You all remember when Ashby sent those pictures of the camel spider he captured. Several of you even tied flies using it as a pattern.


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Here is a story about a UK soldier who brought one home and it killed the dog




A British soldier's family have been scared out of their own home by a dangerous spider who bit their pet dog to death.


The Griffiths are fighting the war at home against the giant arachnid, who was unwittingly transported back from Afghanistan in paratrooper Rodney's luggage.


They have already lost their beloved eight-year-old dog, Bella, to the camel spider. The family pet had to be put down after being bitten by the venomous attacker.


Lorraine Griffiths and her three children, aged 18, 16 and four, have been forced to leave their family home in Colchester, Essex.


They are now refusing to return to the property until the killer spider is captured by the RSPCA.


Found in desert regions, camel spiders can grow up to 6 inches and reach speeds of up to 10 mph, making them devils to catch.


Lorraine Griffiths believes the spider hitched a ride into the U.K. in the personal belongings of her husband.


Rodney, 32, came home from duty in Helmand in June.


He has since returned for a further tour of duty in Afghanistan.



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Friends of mine in the national guard were in Afganastan and sent me pics of these amazingly impressive spiders. Now I'm not affraid of alot of things but when you need a automatic 12 guage with #4 buck to kill 1,then I'm scared.LOL

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RSPCA Hell; They need an industrial strength can of RAID or possibly a Rajun Cajun! :gun_bandana: :gunsmilie:

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guys, reality check please.


They are Solpugids, not "spiders" even though the common name is "camel spider" or "sun scorpion" or "wind scorpion" (because they run like the wind). They are really fast runners, for terrestrial arthropods. We have a few species in our very own desert southwest, used to see them all the time in New Mexico, Arizona, and Nevada. They DO NOT get sixteen inches long, anywhere in the world, and they are not venomous to humans, dogs, camels, or any thing else... they do not produce any venom like scorpions and spiders. They do not run 10 mph. No way in hell they can "outrun a man" unless the man has a couple sprained ankles.


They can be pretty big, for a bug, and they are remarkably ugly. They can inflict a painful bite with those big pincers that look like double jaws. Usually people get bit, just like they get bit by snakes, when they are dicking around with one that's cornered and they're trying to kill it. If you were two inches tall, you'd have something to worry about.


There are as many sixteen inch long solpugids as there are ten foot rattlesnakes.


Sorry to ruin the fun with a few facts.

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guys, reality check please. ...

There are as many sixteen inch long solpugids as there are ten foot rattlesnakes.


Sorry to ruin the fun with a few facts.


And Mr. Reality Check Please you know there are none anywher ein the world as book as ten foot rattlesnakes how? So you searched the entire area including underground of this tiny planet? So now you're Mr. Animal Expert of What's Possible and What's Not and What Exists and What Doesn't? So you know if there's any lake serpents too right? You know all the bigfoot species or if it even exists too right? You know how many giant worms are under Australia's dirt, you know every single type of animal in the ocean, including under the ocean, you know if earth is hollow or not, and you know if there are still brontosauri in the Congo too. You know how many dragons were in the world from the start till today, and what species, you know if any breathed fire or not, and you know if there is really such thing as a giant alligator or anaconda, and know that no anaconda if it did exist could ever get to be 25 feet, why cuz, reality check, snakes just don't get that big and it would be pointless I tell you! Why would lizards and snakes need to be so big!? And there's no such thing as tiny deadly spiders, or ones that inflict extreme pain with a bite, cuz, well why would such tiny little thing need to make you feel so bad or kill you? People don't kill bugs or insects or anything tiny now do they? Why there were no dinosaurs, how absurd, certainy none larger than four feet, how ridiculous would that be a dinosaur needing to be larger than 4 feet? And come on, God? That's the most silly sky daddy animal thing creature of all. Reality check: we don't be needing any invisible all knowing creator creatures, guys, and hermaphrodites, which don't exist either (I looked in everyone's pants to make sure).

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JSzymczyk is correct, the Camel Spider is not a threat to humans or dogs even. Of course, they do bite, and as with all wounds, the bite site can become infected...and infections can lead to death... :blink:

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guys, reality check please. ...

There are as many sixteen inch long solpugids as there are ten foot rattlesnakes.


Sorry to ruin the fun with a few facts.


And Mr. Reality Check Please you know there are none anywher ein the world as book as ten foot rattlesnakes how? So you searched the entire area including underground of this tiny planet? So now you're Mr. Animal Expert of What's Possible and What's Not and What Exists and What Doesn't? So you know if there's any lake serpents too right? You know all the bigfoot species or if it even exists too right? You know how many giant worms are under Australia's dirt, you know every single type of animal in the ocean, including under the ocean, you know if earth is hollow or not, and you know if there are still brontosauri in the Congo too. You know how many dragons were in the world from the start till today, and what species, you know if any breathed fire or not, and you know if there is really such thing as a giant alligator or anaconda, and know that no anaconda if it did exist could ever get to be 25 feet, why cuz, reality check, snakes just don't get that big and it would be pointless I tell you! Why would lizards and snakes need to be so big!? And there's no such thing as tiny deadly spiders, or ones that inflict extreme pain with a bite, cuz, well why would such tiny little thing need to make you feel so bad or kill you? People don't kill bugs or insects or anything tiny now do they? Why there were no dinosaurs, how absurd, certainy none larger than four feet, how ridiculous would that be a dinosaur needing to be larger than 4 feet? And come on, God? That's the most silly sky daddy animal thing creature of all. Reality check: we don't be needing any invisible all knowing creator creatures, guys, and hermaphrodites, which don't exist either (I looked in everyone's pants to make sure).

WOW!!!! Who pissed in your wheaties this morning?

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guys, reality check please. ...

There are as many sixteen inch long solpugids as there are ten foot rattlesnakes.


Sorry to ruin the fun with a few facts.


And Mr. Reality Check Please you know there are none anywher ein the world as book as ten foot rattlesnakes how? So you searched the entire area including underground of this tiny planet? So now you're Mr. Animal Expert of What's Possible and What's Not and What Exists and What Doesn't? So you know if there's any lake serpents too right? You know all the bigfoot species or if it even exists too right? You know how many giant worms are under Australia's dirt, you know every single type of animal in the ocean, including under the ocean, you know if earth is hollow or not, and you know if there are still brontosauri in the Congo too. You know how many dragons were in the world from the start till today, and what species, you know if any breathed fire or not, and you know if there is really such thing as a giant alligator or anaconda, and know that no anaconda if it did exist could ever get to be 25 feet, why cuz, reality check, snakes just don't get that big and it would be pointless I tell you! Why would lizards and snakes need to be so big!? And there's no such thing as tiny deadly spiders, or ones that inflict extreme pain with a bite, cuz, well why would such tiny little thing need to make you feel so bad or kill you? People don't kill bugs or insects or anything tiny now do they? Why there were no dinosaurs, how absurd, certainy none larger than four feet, how ridiculous would that be a dinosaur needing to be larger than 4 feet? And come on, God? That's the most silly sky daddy animal thing creature of all. Reality check: we don't be needing any invisible all knowing creator creatures, guys, and hermaphrodites, which don't exist either (I looked in everyone's pants to make sure).


First post and you want to make it a challenge of of an established members post? :rolleyes: I get the feeling with that attitude you may be one of those "members" folks automatically ignore when they see...

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guys, reality check please. ...

There are as many sixteen inch long solpugids as there are ten foot rattlesnakes.


Sorry to ruin the fun with a few facts.


And Mr. Reality Check Please you know there are none anywher ein the world as book as ten foot rattlesnakes how? So you searched the entire area including underground of this tiny planet? So now you're Mr. Animal Expert of What's Possible and What's Not and What Exists and What Doesn't? So you know if there's any lake serpents too right? You know all the bigfoot species or if it even exists too right? You know how many giant worms are under Australia's dirt, you know every single type of animal in the ocean, including under the ocean, you know if earth is hollow or not, and you know if there are still brontosauri in the Congo too. You know how many dragons were in the world from the start till today, and what species, you know if any breathed fire or not, and you know if there is really such thing as a giant alligator or anaconda, and know that no anaconda if it did exist could ever get to be 25 feet, why cuz, reality check, snakes just don't get that big and it would be pointless I tell you! Why would lizards and snakes need to be so big!? And there's no such thing as tiny deadly spiders, or ones that inflict extreme pain with a bite, cuz, well why would such tiny little thing need to make you feel so bad or kill you? People don't kill bugs or insects or anything tiny now do they? Why there were no dinosaurs, how absurd, certainy none larger than four feet, how ridiculous would that be a dinosaur needing to be larger than 4 feet? And come on, God? That's the most silly sky daddy animal thing creature of all. Reality check: we don't be needing any invisible all knowing creator creatures, guys, and hermaphrodites, which don't exist either (I looked in everyone's pants to make sure).



Ya know, you really ought to give some thought to cutting back on the diet pills just a tad. :blink: Or at the very least, try to find a newer thread - half the guys who posted there are currently residing in various "retirement" facilities, watching I Love Lucy reruns on an EKG monitor.

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