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Fly Tying

What is the weirdest thing you have ever caught while fishing?

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This is no lie. About 12 years ago I was fishing at the million dollar pier in St Petersburg. When i realed in to check my bait i hooked (in the mouth mind you) a skellaton of a fish. I never understood it. I thought it was a scuba diver playing tricks but never saw bubbles come up out of water. So thats my story and im stickin to it.

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Two years ago I caught 3 dragonflies. Very strange to complete your cast and are waiting for the tippet and fly to hit the water and you can turn and watch them "fly away." I did manage a live release on two of them. A PO'd dragon fly puts up a fight on 7X and a 2WT. :blink:




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That reminds me, a I caught a booby at Xmas Island; a blue footed booby. It doesn't sound right but it is true.

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Let's see, A bat that liked my dead-chicken on a lake. A beaver while trying to night cast a river(he broke the line and i had to catch him to get the hook out),i got real torn up durring that struggle. A couple of turtles and a duck on the Arkansas river. And the worst was a skunk on a windy srewed-up back cast on the Arkansas... My ex never let that one go any time i ever mentioned fishing.

I have also had dragon flies chase my flies, quite a few times, but never actually hooked one.

how come nobody has admitted to the times they have hooked them-selves? Or doesn't that count (along with other people around you)? I don't know how many times that has happened to me.

Among the scarriest was when i was bait fishing and woke up to grab my thicker than normal pole...It was a rattle snake wrapped around it. The only reason i can think of that i didn't get bit was that he was about as scared as me and took off like a shot...so did i! I was about 14 or 15 and moved alot faster then.


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When I was in Scotland during July, my uncle caught a bat on the dry fly at night - his second and he fishes a lot! Another good friend lost his fish to a seagull but that is another story!

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I was fishing on the Saint Johns River (part of the inland waterways) just north of Jacksonville Florida in 1961. The tide was going out pretty strong and I hooked into something that was putting up quite a fight. It must have been 15 or 20 people standing on the bride watching me fight this thing on the shore. Everyone was excited and cheering me on. I finally got it to shore. I had hooked the handle of a two gallon bucket. Everyone had a great laugh, and me to. That's what I get for bait fishing. True story. :hyst:

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I once caught a sting ray , a huge one over 100 lbs . when I pulled her into the boat to get a picture she let loose 8 babbies in the boat. So I guess you can say I caught 9 fish at once.

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About 10 years ago I was wading a warm water stream by my house. I was spin fishing with crayfish hoping to catch smallmouth. My hook snagged on something. I walked over and used my foot try and un-snag the hook. I ended up lifting what I thought was a log (waist deep water) and then say what I thought was a propeller covered in mud, and weeds.


Sure enough it was a 2 HP outboard motor. Took it home washed it off, gave it 3 pulls and it started up and ran for about 30 seconds. I changed the gas and tuned it up and have been using it on my canoe ever since.


And that's the truth, you should have seen my fishing partner's face when I held it up and said, "Look what I caught"




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