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Mr. Steelhead

Tying table with portability

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IF you are looking for a tying table with portability, check this Ebay Auction out. I can see some real potential with this.




If the link above doesn't work just search this item number, Item number: 190252426663


Is closing today so check it out quickly.

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I already have one desk, and don't thing the wife would appreciate another one.


Mr. Steelhead, I haven't seen you since we met at Bass Pro tying classes last year. How's it going?


My friend from PGH went to Erie last weekend (13-14) and hooked up with a dozen steelies, landed 3. He said the water was low and a good rain will bring many more in.


I am teaching a series of fly tying classes at a local church and several of the guys want to plan some trips to Erie this fall. Are you ready?


How has your health been? I know you had some difficulty since your accident.



AKA George


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