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Fly Tying

How about a sticky to announce fly tying clubs?

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I agree with TroutBum. I think you're better off using Google Maps for something like this- kinda like the member map we used to have, but for clubs instead.

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O.K., how about this? A pinned item that allows tiers looking for a local club to post that? It wouldn't use that much bandwidth, and could still help out. Waddya think?



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the google maps Idea is good or maybe something like the geocache site where each location is clickable and redirects to a smaller site page. Therefor the clubs would be highlighted as you clicked on hamilton, ontario, or pennsylvania or detroit etc. . This could also have a different colours if a symposium or get together eventy like Oatka's is happening. A further revenue strea might be clickable links to your local flyshop, seems that somebody can always tell you where to go.



Hows that for an idea.




p.s. if each club left a sticky note in our normal fashin would read like a phonebook or our member search directory quite unweildy especially if you spelling is poor. just my 2 cents worth


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Well, "fearless leader" sees all.........so maybe the idea don't set right. :dunno: But i think the PINNED deal might work out well. The guy who suggested it seems to know bout these things.........."won't take up much bandwidth"................so.

I'd be VERY interested in seeing just how many clubs there are around the country.......and in other countries for that matter.........and where they are geographicaly. When you travel as much as i do...........it'd be nice to know when and where meetings are bein' held. There's nothin' i like better than bein' able to watch someone tye and learn things. mark..... ;)

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I'd be VERY interested in seeing just how many clubs there are around the country.......and in other countries for that matter.........and where they are geographicaly. When you travel as much as i do...........it'd be nice to know when and where meetings are bein' held. There's nothin' i like better than bein' able to watch someone tye and learn things. mark..... ;)



i concur mark.





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I've created a customizable Google Map where fly tying club, fly tying event, or fly shop locations can be added. Here's the url


Fly Tying Clubs, Events, and Shops


Fly tying club or event locations are marked by a light blue balloon, and fly shops are marked by a red balloon. If anyone has a tying club or shop they'd like to see on the map, email the following info to [email protected] (delete the .nospam before sending)-




Website URL

Meeting Times/Dates

Phone Number(if applicable)

Misc Info(any other info you want people to know, etc)


I'll add your club to the map ASAP.


Also, if anyone wants to embed this map on their own website, shoot me an email and I'll send you the source code.

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hey alex


great map. Email sent.

I'll get the web guys to embed the map in the HAFFT site next meeting will email you then for details.







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It's commin' along pretty good.....startin' to get filled up nicely. Keep up the great work. mark..... ;)

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