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Jens Lund Adamsen

General Practitioner

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Hi all


Here is a General Practitioner (sort of). Instead of "fighting" with GP tippet feathers I have used black laced hen feathers (dyed orange).

I think it looks all right and I am sure it will work like a real General Practitioner in the water.

I hope you like it and if you should have a black laced hen cape in one of your storage boxes here is an alternative use for it.


post-3635-1228165471_thumb.jpg post-3635-1228165511_thumb.jpg







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Great fly ! I have used black laced hen for about 15 years on General Practioners. Here in the Pacific Northwest we tie them big, up to a 5/0 hook. I used to have to dye my own feathers because they only came in natural white and black. I ran into Henry Hoffman one time and asked if I could get a supply of them and showed him a General Practioner I had tied. Never heard back from Henry but about six months later I saw the first dyed pelts in a local fly shop. Oh well ! They work very well for crayfish imitations because of the markings.

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VERY VERY nice tye Jens.........


R.W. Poul Jorgensen used the same feathers you do for his G.P. fly. i like them as well.............


B.B., i used to raise chickens amoung many other birds.....(i had birds for almost 5 years), and some of them were Silver Laced Whyendotts.....that is the bird those feathers come form. There are also Golden Laced Whyendotts which i also had. Instead of White and Black, their feathers are brownish/gold and black. Btw, Henery Hoffman won the Bus Buzeck Award this year at the FFF International Conclave. Or was that last year.............lol. Anyway, he's a recent recipiant. And well deserved imho.


mark..... ;)



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