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Fly Tying

Tie or Fish -- Which do you do

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This is an interesting Forum and some of the entries led me to wonder how many non-fishermen there are among the tyers. Personally, I get to fish almost daily but tie during the evenings, to it's about 50-50.


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This time of year I do alot of tying and very little fishing. In spring/summer I almost never tie and fish almost daily.

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Tye every day if at all possible..........last couple/few years i seem to fish less and less (always on the road)...........although this year weren't bad at all.......did quite a bit, and also fished maybe a dozen new rivers for the first time(s), and an incredable lake up in Canada. Yeah, '08 kicked butt. mark..... ;)


p.s., i'd keep tyin' even if they outlawed fishin;........... :D

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During the summer months I fished about 3 times a week and maybe did a little tying at night(not very much).Now that winter is here I'm just tying.Spring won't come soon enough!!!

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I live in the same house as my tying desk....I don't live in the same house as any of my water.


Sadly, this doesn't mean I tie much more than I fish.....darn toilets to clean!!! :wallbash:

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I don't get to fish nearly as much as I'd like to. I tie allll the time which I get alot of enjoyment out of too so it's ok with me I guess. Hopefully now that I have my driver's liscense I will be able to get out a bit more than usual.

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Not sure the ratio but the fish down around my neck of the coast bite year round so I do a good bit of fishing year round. I don't do as much tying as I do fishing though. I need to do more tying.

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I don't get to do either as much as I would like, work or family obligations always seems to prevent it. The older I get, the less time I seem to have. :wallbash:


Like oatka said, my tying stuff is in the house, so I tie more than I fish.

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Don't know where people find the time to do either, tied 3 flies 2 weekends ago and got caught up

with something else, don't remeber what but something to fix or one of the kids needed something.

maybe this winter I'll get to tie and do some rods,

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