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Fly Tying

Flies from the vice.

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Here are a few flys my little brother, Dillon tied. He is just starting but he did pretty good for his first chironomids




CheyAnne Maley





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Mini Woolly Bugger's


Hook: Ashima F-30 size #12

Tread: Sheer 16/0, black

Tail: Marabou (+ twinkle flash, matching colour)

Rib: Tying tread, doubbled

Hackle: Hen sadle

Body: Fuzzy Bug Body Yarn

Head: Gold beadhead, small



Fullversjon: http://sportsfiske.nu/foto/arkiv/28387/71328.jpg



Fullversjon: http://sportsfiske.nu/foto/arkiv/28387/71329.jpg


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After tying on those silly size 22's yesterday, I did the opposite and went for a 1. I haven't tied rangely style flies in a while, but I really enjoyed tying Ms. Steven's flies. This one is known as Carrie's Fancy. The wings are pink, I had found a really nice pink saddle at the fly tying show in NJ last week and needed to tie something with it. I was lucky enough to tie with Mike Martinek every month when I lived in Boston.


I think I will go with some classic wets tomorrow.


Happy New Year everyone.




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Subtle, I hope :unsure: , blend of wingless wet and winged/caddis emerger




Woodcock Emerger

Hook: Partridge YK4A (or equivalent scud hook)

Thread: Benecchi 12/0, olive

Hackle: Woodcock covert

Rib: Fine copper wire

Shuck: Fluffy barbs, sparse

Body: Argentinean hare, tan

Wing: Fluffy barbs, fairly sparse

Head: Peacock herl, twisted around thread



Hans W


PS A healthy and prosperous 2009 to you all!

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Foam Frog Popper

Sorry for the pics, my camera stinks. tied this the other day. New year sees me tying chart copper johns for a swap. Did 2 wire body for first time today with improved biot tails with help from here... thks forum! I looked at few patterns and tied what I could with what I had on hand. Hope you like it.





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Here are a few flys my little brother, Dillon tied. He is just starting but he did pretty good for his first chironomids




CheyAnne Maley


Tell the little guy that those will catch fish for sure. :headbang:

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Foam Frog Popper

Sorry for the pics, my camera stinks. tied this the other day. New year sees me tying chart copper johns for a swap. Did 2 wire body for first time today with improved biot tails with help from here... thks forum! I looked at few patterns and tied what I could with what I had on hand. Hope you like it.






:bugeyes: sweet frog


:bugeyes: LarsM some great tying


:bugeyes: Hans awesome soft hackle


:bugeyes: Hillbilly great tying wish i had them in my box


:bugeyes: Salty great streamer


A great day of tying on this post



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WE AINT' DUN YET!!!!!!!!!!!!



Crazy Wurm


body:craft foam

Hackle: size 12 hackle



Green Butt Popper....(this went into ftoty)


Head: popper body

Hackle: saddle hackle(light brown)

Tail: small green hackle feathers




CH Bunny Leech....(this went into ftoty)


Body: chartreuse rabbit strips

Tail: purple rabbit strips

Head: medium cone head



in ftoty i entered the following patterns

Rookie of the year=CrawMad

Trout Dry=Elk Hair Caddis

SmallmouthBass subsurface= Bunny Leech

Panfish topwater=Green Butt Popper

Trout subsurface=Woolly Bugger


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