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Fly Tying

Whats your other job?

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i was a golf course Superintendent for ten years and now for the last 10 or 11 i have been working as a dental tech. in a large dental lab in central NY.

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what a great question i do pro tie for most of my living but im also a venue technical support person for a church part time . what i do is set up pa systems for various groups that use the church halls music , conerts , shows , talks etc


i also have to deal with the many homeless people who come to the door thinking it is a church so i sort them out with a bag of food and offer them the best advice i can listen to there problems and do what i can sometimes its heartbreaking to see and here these people and it does bring you down to earth that we are all human beings no matter how rich or poor


sorry to drag that down a bit

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i also have to deal with the many homeless people who come to the door thinking it is a church so i sort them out with a bag of food and offer them the best advice i can listen to there problems and do what i can sometimes its heartbreaking to see and here these people and it does bring you down to earth that we are all human beings no matter how rich or poor


Well done. The only time we should look down at someone is to help them up.


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I've been a department store manager, a newspaper columnist, a bouncer in a rock 'n' roll joint and a substance abuse counselor, among other things. I finally left the mainstream for good to concentrate on fine art photography, though I make my real dough singing the national anthem at cockfights.

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Cowboy ed most of my life currently been home with a broken back, pelvis, and sacrum joint

Started tying to pass the time and forget about the pain.

Would love to tie for a shop but don't know how to go about it




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, though I make my real dough singing the national anthem at cockfights.




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(Peterjay @ Dec 12 2008, 04:51 PM) * I make my real dough singing the national anthem at cockfights


I just spit up the beer I was drinking (see other thread 4:00 pm beer)


I'm a controller who only gets out serious fishing twice a year, if I'm lucky, for 8 days of fishing total on the PM, 4 days in spring and 4 fall, and just enjoy the heck out of tying and giving out my flies to friends, as well as accumulating vast amounts of fly tying material that I'll never ever use up in my lifetime or the next.

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I am a liscensed automotive technician, shop foreman/manager at a garage/tire franchise. Full time dad, 2 boys 3 and 4-1/2, with another on the way. Never enough hours in the day.







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I'm an Electronics Technician for a defense contractor at the Army's Aerial Gunnery Range Complex... I work on electronic control systems, surveillance systems, IP camera stuff, some electrical work, and a lot of IT type stuff (building computers, maintaining networks, etc.) Only been there for about six weeks- prior to that I was a Chief ET in the Coast Guard, "retired" after 21 years. I'm making a lot less $$$, but now there's no 24/7 duty, no nights, no weekends, no hauling ass in the middle of something, just 40 hours a week. I'm still having a few issues trying to adjust.... :blink:

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jack of all trades here...master of none :lol:


I work as a shipper in a refrig. whs.


Done automotive, puttin up hay, oil feild (rough necking), selling lumber..list can go on and on :P


I never sell flys..like others here...it would take the fun out of it for me. I just tie for me and my father...and give anot of them out at the rivers and creeks. -jason

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i help design the best submarines the US Navy can buy. i'm currently assigned to an engineering group that does the under water shock testing and analysis simulations to ensure the survivability of everybody on board and the submarine itself.

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I'm a licensed operator at a waste water treatment plant. It's a :poop: job but somebody has to do it. It's really not that bad. We are the 5th largest in the country I think. I do a lot of cleaning on reactors that heat treat the sludge. There are ony 4 of us that do it in our plant of 600 so nobody really bothers us. We know our job and just get it done. I also work on Regenative aftereburners. I did 9 years of rotating shift there. So it's nice to be on steady days.


I never tied for a shop but I have tied for a few friend who wanted something they couldn't find. They gave me some money to help with materials. So I guess I have tied for money, but it's at my pace. If I had to do it I'd probably hate it.



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Was in computer software for 27 years - started out working night shifts on computers that covered 2 floors of a building and had less capacity than the laptop on my desk now, and ended up with my own company which was acquired by a public company which made me work for them for 4 years, which was hard after being your own boss for the previous 14 years. Then "retired", now I own 3 retail stores, a website and when the economy permits am active as a business broker.


Have never sold a fly - though have considered trying, but seems like if I took orders it would get in the way of going fishing which I have access to 365 days a year, either saltwater or my passion mountain trout streams.

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