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Fly Tying

Free software to store patterns

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I came across this post on another forum offering a link to free software that could be utilized for storing pattern information, and thought others might find it useful here as well. It is rather easy to utilize, and you definitely can't complain about the price. I have no affiliation with the software company so download/ install at your own risk.






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I once came across spftware that was free and design for storing fly recipes but I could not download it because I have a mac it was only for windows so i do not know if it was any good so I can not recomend or rember its name


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There are free programs such as SuperFly and CyberFly Lite as well as Fly Assistant that costs approximately $20. However, I posted TreeDBNotes as a possible alternative. Mustad has a Fly 2000 site http://www.fly-2000.net/index.html so you might want to contact them to see if it is still available.








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Mustad sells theres, so far after trying all the others its worth every penny. I have over 2600 patterns in it now and still going strong..

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Does anyone have a link to the Mustad software site. I can't find it for the life of me. Or a link to some good software that will run on Vista.

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i use microsoft word, plain and simple.


copy the photo of the fly and recipe, then paste.


"save as" pattern name in a "fly pattern" folder on the external hard drive.

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i use microsoft word, plain and simple.


copy the photo of the fly and recipe, then paste.


"save as" pattern name in a "fly pattern" folder on the external hard drive.


I do the the same for my pattern files. And I also print out a hardcopy and place it in a pattern book with an actual fly.

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Mac Users can run Windows through an emulator so running the software shouldn't be hard. I actually think Windows runs better this way. Of course you will need a licensed copy of Windows. Just a reminder just because software is free doesn't mean it's safe or good. Many Freeware apps are loaded with Trojans, Spyware and Malware, so make sure your Antivirus software is up to date; you should also have a decent Anti-Spyware Software installed and a firewall in place.


Anyone using a Mac should also have an Anti-Virus Program and Anti-Spyware Application installed. The Mac OS has just as many vulnerabilities as Windows, Apple just doesn't publish them.


Oh yeah - I'm the guy who cleans and repairs the computers after they've been infested, infected and hacked. :P So unless you want to pay a computer tech $65.00 or more, please be carefull with what you download. The computer you save could be your own. :lol:


In my opinion using Excel, Word or OpenOffice to log your fly recipes is a lot safer in the long run.


If you don't have MS Office, OpenOffice is a free alternative (Yes it's Safe) and can be found at http://www.openoffice.org it works with Linux, Windows and Mac.


If you have question regarding Anti-Spyware Apps just PM and I'll send you a link to a couple of excellent programs (All Trusted and Free of Course)






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