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instead of gray fox guard hair

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was getting ready to start the Ronn lucas step-by-steps and noticed i have all but one thing the gray fox guard hair, any substitutes? if not where can i order it?

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Not sure where you can order it. . . You can buy whole tanned greyfox on ebay for probably 60$ or so. I have a couple small pieces I could send you, just send me a SASE to:


Richard Smart

10228 W. Fairview Rd

Mabelvale, AR 72103


and I'll get it out to you. It's body hair that I have. I'm not sure if I have any of the face hair or not, I'll have to check.


If you send the envelope, be sure to include what it was for to spark my memory.



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I have been doing some with both red and grey squirrel tail, and they look fine as far as the wing. There is a lot more brown in both these tails, but as far as tying they create pretty much the same look in the flies. As soon as I can get the floss better, I'll post a few pictures. Wait til you start trying to track down some of the rest of this stuff.

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