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2008 FTOTY - Let the Voting Begin!!

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But once again I find my self annoyed with artistic realistics in the wrong catagory. Thats an instant No vote for me. Will outstanding job once again.



Will, Great job. I'm with day5 on this one.



Guys let me say something here. Will being a good friend, I know for a fact he spends hours upon hours doing this FTOTY for everyone. Taking pics, PS them all, reposting them, takes him a month of just working on these pics for the contest. And he's too nice of a guy to respond the things like this.... So lets not get all anal and complain about this fly not belonging here or there. Lets just be appreciative that Will dedicated a HUGE part of his time to doing this for all of us alright?

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Great job to everyone who entered, especially the rookies! There are a few flies in this year's contest that I'll definitely be adding to my fly boxes this season :headbang:

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But once again I find my self annoyed with artistic realistics in the wrong catagory. Thats an instant No vote for me. Will outstanding job once again.



Will, Great job. I'm with day5 on this one.



Guys let me say something here. Will being a good friend, I know for a fact he spends hours upon hours doing this FTOTY for everyone. Taking pics, PS them all, reposting them, takes him a month of just working on these pics for the contest. And he's too nice of a guy to respond the things like this.... So lets not get all anal and complain about this fly not belonging here or there. Lets just be appreciative that Will dedicated a HUGE part of his time to doing this for all of us alright?



Steve it is in no way Wills fault. I do not blame him a bit. It is the person who submitted the fly and thought they could send in an artistic realistic fly and win a category that it doesn't belong in. It belongs in the realistic category. But I do not blame Will one bit he is just doing what the contestant asked. Will Does a fantastic job. That is obvious.

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There's a fly in the trout nymph category that I thought was by far a better realistic than any of the flies in the realistic category. That said, I don't think there were any lines crossed by putting that fly in a non-realistic category. Who's to say when a fly is too realistic to be considered a normal fishable fly? It's really a judgment call for each individual voter to make- which is what's so cool about this contest- and what makes it so unpredictable. Anyone who has participated in or followed this contest should know that if you wanna win, you better bring your A game. Why punish a tier by not voting for his/her fly for doing just that?



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What a FANTASTIC bunch of flies! this was one of the toughest years voting yet. :wallbash:



Will you did an awesome job as usual thanks again for running this!!

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All I can say is that it took a coin flip or eeni-meeni-minee-moe to make a decision in a lot of the categories. Wonderful craftsmanship and a wealth of fishing knowledge. And Will, a superb job of presentation. A hearty congratulations to all. Makes me proud to be a member of the forum.

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I would like to start of by saying great Ty's every one!!

Good luck to all the other competitors!!!


Thought that nymph was mine but Will said that it wasent! if it was I would of retracted it!!


Thank tyrite (Glen Dayton)


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Good Day,


Will, how can we thank you enough! Another great year of voting! Lots of good flies and then those that looked great small, until they were enlarged. Guys, as a veteran of several international fly tying competitions you have got to pay attention to proportion, details and your heads! I can't tell you the numbe of other wise cool flies I did not vote for for these reasons. Please take the extra five minutes...



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A great bunch of flies as usual, I am sorry i missed out this year toooo much junk going on to get serious with the flies, good luck to everyone and Good job once again Will,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,B,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


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WOW!!!! One more day till the voting is over. I cant what to see all the flies that have won in each category!!

Good lock to all and have fun with it!!!


tyrite (Glen Dayton)

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