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Fly Tying

Classic Wet Fly Or Soft Hackle Fly Swap

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Ibrb, Saltydog and Wernstriumph, you are all IN! Great to see so many new swappers (new to me!) I'm looking forward to seeing what this swap will turn up. It's going to be a good one, I'm sure of that!


There are only 3 spots left. It's filling up REALLY fast! If anyone is sitting on the fence, trying to decide whether or not to join, you'd better not wait too long!







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Lostlure. Welcome. You're in with a soft hackle. When you get the name of the specific pattern, let me know and I'll post it to the opening frame of this thread. Glad to have you in on this one. I'll getting really excited about it.


To everyone else, this swap is really filling up fast! Only 2 spots left, and the way things have been going, those 2 spots will go quickly. For anyone who is thinking about it and have never swapped with me before, you need to know that I'm pretty rigid when it comes to the number of swappers. I don't think it's fair to those who signed up first to keep adding more and more swappers than first stated. When we hit 15, that's going to be it. So if you want in, you'd better grab one of the last two spots open!


Take Care



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BB - I'm in with wet or soft hackle pattern TBD


This will be my first swap in this forum, but I have read all of the pinned requirements.



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12mile, you're in! Glad to have you. I hope your first swap experience will be a good one. Thanks for reading all the pinned rules. If you have any additional questions, feel free to send me a PM.


Only 1 spot left! Who wants it?


Take care





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i'll take spot 15 if its still available


i also hope youre pretty rigid with due dates :dunno:


Hi Flytire. You are IN! BARELY! You have spot #15, and this swap is now CLOSED!


Thanks to all for signing up.


I try to be pretty conscious of the due date, Flytire. It isn't always possible to get everyone to get their flies in on time, but I'll begin about a week before the due date reminding people to go ahead and get their stuff in. As soon as I have everyone's flies, I'll try to get them back out to the swappers within a day. Hopefully we can get them back to you in a timely manner. That, at least, is my goal. It's just that it isn't always possible to get all of the other 14 swappers on board with that. But you have my word that I will do my best.





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Here is what i tied. Im callin it a hares ear variant.


Hook 3906 #10

thread 8/0 uni olive

tail hungarian partridge body

rib gold med wire

body hares ear dubbing

hackle unique variant hen hackle palmered up the body and secured with the rib

wing hungarian partridge

cheek jungle cock


For the inspiration i want to thank PeatyMann and his excelent flytying videos on youtube


Im taking all the blame on how they turned out

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Mine are ready to ship, please send the addy


Pheasant and black

mustad 3906 size 12

Body is Black pearsals silk

thorax black davy wotton spikey

hackle is pheasant, a feather from the back of the neck just under the all black ring of a ring neck pheasant






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