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Fly Tying

Classic Wet Fly Or Soft Hackle Fly Swap

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Sorry guys, I haven't posted the last few days, it's been a REALLY busy week to 10 days. But, hopefully, things are going to level off now. I have some great looking flies from Pasttimetyer. Don't worry about the toe tags, Pasttime, I've got your back. But I am going to have to come up with a different box to send your set back to you. Getting the flies AND toe tags into the box you sent would be really hard. But don't worry about it. I've got you covered.


I also have flies from flytire. SWEEEET! Really nice tie! And thanks for the extras. Really appreciate it.


There are several more sets in the mail, and I'll try to be more prompt about letting you guys know when your flies arrive. I sent out an addy this morning, and if there is anyone who has asked for the addy, and I've failed to get it to you, send me a reminder.


Take care



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I received flies today from Horseshoes! Very nice set of flies. Guys, I'm telling you, this is going to be a VERY SWEET box of flies! We have some outstanding tiers in on this one. Whoo Hoo!


Take care



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I received flies today from Houndog. Great ties, there Houndog! We are going to have a really nice set of flies out of this swap. I'm thinking that I might use them as droppers in a hopper/dropper rig while "gill fishing. I think that any one of those I have received so far would serve superbly well in that situation.


I also would like to remind those who haven't gotten your flies to me yet that there are only 12 days left before the deadline, so get 'em tied and in the mail soon.


Take care



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Hey, Guys, I see I have given the wrong guy credit for a set of flies! The flies that I received on 3/14 and had originally credited to Houndog were actually from Horsehoes. I had the wrong animal in mind when I posted! Horseshoes' flies arrived on 3/14 and Houndog's flies arrived on 3/19. I have edited the 3/14 post to acknowledge the arrival of Horseshoes' flies. Sorry for the confusion.


Take care



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Got flies, today, from Fly-Fischa! All the way from across the "Big Pond" and then some! Great flies! Very nicely done. Hey Fly-Fischa do they have trout "down under?" I always thought of Australia as being more of a tropical-kind of place, but I guess it is pretty far down toward the South Pole, so maybe it's possible. If there are trout, are they like the trout here in the USA? Brookies, Rainbows, Browns, Cut throats, etc?


What about Bluegills? Or other Sunfish? Bass?


Thanks for getting in on this one, & I'll take care of everything for you on this end.


Take care



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Had mine done for awhile, but they went out today. I forgot to put the material list in the box, so here it goes:


Diawl Bach, size 12 wet fly hook, materials in the order of tie-in, black 8/0 thread, brown cock hackle tail, red wire rib, 2-strands of peacock hearl, (2) red pearl flashback, brown hackle for false hackle or throat, black 8/0 thead head



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Hi Breambuster,


Thanks for letting me know my flies arrived, glad you like them.


Yes we do have trout downunder, most people think of sun and surf when thinking of Australia. Although we have them in spades we also have freshwater rivers and lakes. We have brown, rainbow and brook trout, the brookies are less common and haven’t thrived.


Tasmania is probably the most famous trout fishery and has some of the most challenging sight fishing for trout in the world. It’s famous for the western lakes district known as ‘the land of 3000 lakes’ from small tarns to huge lakes.


Here’s some proof for ya ;)




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Today's mail brought in flies from Wernstriumph! Great looking flies. Very nicely tied. Another VERY solid addition to this box of flies. You guys are going to love this set.




And Fly_Fischa, those are some VERY nice fish! Whoo Hoo! Do they have an Australian accent? Tease!




Take care







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The bugs are done. They should be in the mailin the next couple of days. I ended up tying a Pheasant-tail Flymph and some things for your stocking. :thumbsup:


Frank aka Student4evr

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I have now received flies from 12mile. Another awesome set of flies!


We only have 3 sets out now. And one of those is ready to go into the mail. If you haven't finished your up yet, let me remind you that they are due a week from today. March 31. Let me know when you are ready and I'll PM my addy.


Thanks to all for a really great swap and a wonderful set of flies!


Take care



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Flies in the mail ...........Bead Head Pheasant Tail Soft Hackle


Hook- # 14 Caddis

Bead - 3/32 Copper

Thread - 8/0 Orange

Tail - 2-3 Pheasant Tail Barbs

Ribbing - Copper Wire

Body - 2-3 Pheasant Tail Barbs

Thorax - Peacock Herl

Hackle - Hen


Ta DAAAA!!!!!!!!



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