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Fly Tying Paintballer6

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Hey Guys. I am new to the hobby of fly tying but a fairly experienced fly fisherman. I would love it if some of you would give me some good beginner patterns without the recommendation of books. Thanks A lot! Easy Bass bugs? or any trout flies besides streamers. Thanks again.

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Hi Paintball, learn the phesant tail nymph, gold ribbed hare's ear, and the parachute hare's ear dry fly. Those will get you started.



Cheers, Futzer.

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For bass bugs, hard to go wrong with a Tap's Bug. Just a great, classic bass pattern.


For trout flies, check out the website I've linked below. Go to the "Fly Box" section and just click on any of the pattern names. When the picture of the fly comes up, just click on "Tying Instructions" below the picture of the fly and you will see a great tutorial. Every pattern listed will have one of these great step-by-step tutorials with pictures. It's one of the all-time great trout fly tying tutorial sites on the web in my opinion. Both beginner and experienced tyers will find fly patterns of interest there:




-- Mike

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Hi you.

I knew i had it some were, (im refering to the web addy)


you can also get a great source of 1 2 3 patterns in here, and on youtube allso.


as you being new to the art of flytying. the best advises i can give you is to tie a pattern at least so many times that you have 6 flies looking the same, as you go along you will finde that "right look" to the pattern, and then you can start beeing creativ making youre own patterns.

a razorblade to cut up the bad ones as you go along, togetter with a good beginnersbook will do you magic. if you ever bump into a problem or things you wonder about... dont ever bee afraid to ask in here. this sight is by my meaning The Best fly tying tool you ever can or will find.


Regards C

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Welcome to the FTF!

I personally recomend the Fly tyers Bible by Peter Gathercole,

Heres an easy bass bug pattern the Tap's Bug

Hope this helps,





Hey man thanks a TON! I will try to tie this one. I have no other deer hair except for natural? Is that OK?

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Welcome to the FTF!

I personally recomend the Fly tyers Bible by Peter Gathercole,

Heres an easy bass bug pattern the Tap's Bug

Hope this helps,





Hey man thanks a TON! I will try to tie this one. I have no other deer hair except for natural? Is that OK?


Oh yeah. The so-called "Classic Coloration" is the body one color and then another color as a stripe at the very end.

You don't need to add the stripe, its the action that catches fish not the color on this bug.

I tie most of my bugs with a body of natural and then a stripe of white or black, but all natural should work fine also.

Hope this helps.




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A Deer Hair Bass Bug isn't exactly a beginner pattern, your better off to pay your dues and start like most of us have and thats the beginning. Which are the typical such as Futzer suggested, Don't forget the wooly bugger. Some people don't realize the reason for starting at the beginning is to learn the basic techniques such as the jam knot , the pinch technique, the soft loop, how to tie in a tail, where to tie in a tail,hackle, wing ect:and things like proportions and thread control are critical. Taps Bug isn't where to start. This is a great site but to be truthful many tiers have bad habits, which can be tough to break so its better to start in the beginning and gradually develop your tieing skills, this way frustration won't get the better of you. Go to step by step section and let it rip!

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You must have a couple hare's ear soft hackles in brown, olive and black in your box. It should be mandatory. :D


Wet fly hook

body of dubbed hares ear dubbing

partridge soft hackle.


...about as easy as it gets.

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Hey to everyone that has helped post things. THANKS A TON! I will listen to all of your advice and I think I will start with a wooly worm and then tie Bass Bugs using your instructions! any other good patterns for bass that are not bass bugs?

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