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Fly Tying Paintballer6

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these really aren't bugs that float but if you are after bass don't be afraid to try some clousers or wooly buggers for bass also. those are easy to make and thats what I use 90 % of the time when fishing for smallies. you can imitate lots of stuff with a wooly bugger. black(leech/big stone) olive (leech/baitfish) white(baitfish) and brown(crayfish) all these work great when the bass are feeding on those things. also make clousers in a variety of colors cause these represent baitfish and next time out you will have a blast catching some big bass! I make mine in size 6,8,10 all these will catch other fish as well! including the steelhead you see to the left in my avatar!

if you need some patterns check this site out! click any episode and you got a half hour fly tying show to watch! plus theres 3 seasons there!! I think theres like 50 plus videos all a half hour each for free!!

http://kwsu.org/Offers/FlyTying.aspx also try to google or youtube videos of patterns if ya need um.

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Dry flies are a little harder, but the first dry I ever tied was a Royal Wulf, but you might want to try something like a white spent-wing spinner, those are pretty easy and they don't need hackle.



Hook: 14-18

Thread: black or white 6/0

Tail: white hackle fibers

Body: white

Wings: white calf tail


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Hey guys. I have been tying a couple of drys and tried a deer hair body on a streamer. I will post pictures once I find my camera cord :rolleyes: I also need help for tying on elk hair for the elk hair caddis? any other patterns will be fine to! You guys have helped me a ton!!!!!

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As a beginner wanting something else to tye for the bass, you may try a bass popper. You can buy the preformed bodies at fly shops and glue them on your hooks then tye in the tail with marabou, streamers of rubber legging, or deer hair. Add some rubber legs if you want and some stick on eyes or glue on some doll eyes. Just another idea. I also tye an easy foam bug for the bass with craft foam and chenile and finish them with rubber legs.

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