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your favourite dry fly

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Caddis and Hendrickson take the most fish up here in my area. When I want to punish myself a trico in size 24 is good too.

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E/C caddis size 14-18







TAIL: Ginger Zelon or Antron

ABDOMEN: Ginger Haretron

WING: Deer

HACKLE: Dun saddle

THORAX: Green rabbit

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We have strong caddis hatches in my area so I find the stimulators in a size 14 or 16, but I'd never hit the river during Caddis time without size 20-22 elk hair caddis flies in my box.


80% of my fishing is with nymphs and emergers but nothing is more exciting as an evening of rising trout.


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Adams dry. Second Royal Wulff. Sorry no pictures, but here's the recipe for the adams:



What's up with the picture of the stocker rainbow trout but the caption "smallie fanatic"?

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One that I picked up from this sight is Dryfly Purist's "Animal"


This is just a super pattern especially for beginners. It mimics just about everything from midges to hoppers but doesn't "match" anything. Floats perfect on every cast. I like to leave the hackle on top.


The Animal

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Stimulators! I caught a huge brown a month or so ago on an orange Stimulator. They weren't taking it off the top, so I gave it a little tug to pull it under and there he was. Is it still considered a dry fly if you work it underwater?

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Adams Irresistible size 12 or 14. Floats forever and is a great attractor pattern.

Sizes: 10 to 14

Hook: standard dry fly

Tail: dark deer hair

Body: spun deer hair

Wings: grizzley tips

Hackle: grizzley




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My favorite is a Grey Wulff in 12 or 14. The river I fish the most is big with lots of whitewater. Lots of caddis and mayflies. This fly works for both.



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Stimulators! I caught a huge brown a month or so ago on an orange Stimulator. They weren't taking it off the top, so I gave it a little tug to pull it under and there he was. Is it still considered a dry fly if you work it underwater?



If it is on the end of your leader, heck yes it counts. Cheers, Jeff.

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[quoteAdams dry. Second Royal Wulff. Sorry no pictures, but here's the recipe for the adams: [quote



What's up with the picture of the stocker rainbow trout but the caption "smallie fanatic"?




Its called a signiture. Whats up with the pictue of the lobster and the caption "getholdofjoru?"

If you would rather see a smallmouth, check out the picture on my profile.

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