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Lens question

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Hey John, I thought that I recognized the photography, great to know that you are over here as well. Been looking for another place to hang my hat and thought that I would come back here, great to know that you are here as well. :) Of course, you already know that I agree with everything that you wrote about the primes vs zooms.

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probably sign my own commitment papers. (my wife knows since she organizes our taxes, but my sanity depends on remaining ignorant) I'd bet that a lot of the other guys here have similar stories.


My wife knows because

a) we do the taxes together

B) I show her the bills, incase I get hit by a car and she knows what to sell for without getting taken


Yeah, hit by a car or smothered with a pillow the very night that the long-suffering Mrs. Bennett stumbles upon a brand new 1Ds Mark III body hidden in your underwear drawer. I can see the headline now:






Laugh if you will, but I suspect most of us are just a purchase or two away from a similar fate. (or worse)





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Well Im buying my 500 f4 tomorrow so if I disapear from the boards an you find my wife sipping Margaritas in Belize and watching some young stud cast to Bones you know whats happened :)


Ben !

Welcome aboard. Aother good site. I'm here quite a bit, read most threads, just dont post as often not having as much time.

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Laugh if you will, but I suspect most of us are just a purchase or two away from a similar fate. (or worse)


I sleep with one eye open since the day I asked for permission to by my Canon :scared: :scared: :scared:

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Wulff, awesome work! :headbang: Do you have a book published? I like photography but I have never come close to doing anything like that. Thank you for sharing.




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Thanks Alas.

A book i think is a little beyond me , dont think I'm there. :)


I do Freelance though for some Hook and Bullit magazines, it's starting to grow niceley for me. One mgazine is really growing nicely, another is looking good an I now have 2 more that Im starting to sen pictres to a bit. So hopefully by the nd of 2009 I'll haven my name in 3 or all 4 of them.



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