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My Easter weekend treasure Hunt

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My Easter weekend treasure hunt.


Friday. In search of Tom



Alarm goes off, quick shower, out the door at 3:30 am. Gas up and Timmies (Tim Hortons), then white line fever for 1.5 hours, in order to meet a friend at 5am. In the field by 5:30ish raring to go and see some Toms.


6:30am, with false dawn in full swing we had our first semi visible visitors,a pair of Yotes. Had to work on this in Photo Shop just to make it half way decent. It was about 300/400 feet away and there was so little light this was shot at 1/8th of a second at 700mm



7:00am We got some Gobbles, but the Toms weren't showing themselves, so we took some pics of the "hunters."

yours truly



10am: Toms we're no shows, so we eventually moved on, in part to scout for Toms in nearby filds, in part to find something/anythng to shoot.


We found some Ospreys



And some Woodies



We did see some Toms but I wasn't ableto "convert" so here's some Toms I have gotten recently for anyone thats heading out in the next two weeks or so.








I found some Shovelers






A Canada



A Mallard



And more Woodies



And because this is one of my favorite shots of late


A mini Rocket coming at ya. Don't know if anyones familiar with Buffle heads but these guys are low flying cruise missiles. Tough to get at the best of times, let alone coming right at ya




In 9 days I should be giving the long lens a rest and concentrating finally after a gruelling 7.5 months fishing seasons begin to open again.



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Those are some great shots Wulff. I really like the coyote man that 700 looks like a beast to hold.



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Some great pictures. I will have to show my son. He will love the toms he went out for the youth hunt however saw one but wasn't closer enough. He is ready to try again this weekend when the spring season officially comes in for our area.

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Great shots as always, John. I really like the yote shot and how it is standing on the high point in the field. Made for a great shot, IMO.


I'll be chasing turkeys with a bow starting May 4th. I never make it out as much as I plan because I always find myself standing knee deep in water instead.

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nice photos..like the woodies..my favorite of the duck species...but all the pics were nice..thanks for sharing

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Thanks for taking us on your adventure with you. I also like the wood ducks as I never had seen those before. Im not sure if they are indiginous to PA.

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John the photos look awesome. I like how low you got on the ducks--great angle. I do love the shot of the mini rocket. Those would be a hard shot to get for sure. Keep the shots coming. I learn alot from your photos.

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Absolutly breathtaking!!!!!!! Easpecialy love the shot on the eagle. The tone on the feathers and the perfect shuter adjustment. Its almost ike you got the bird to stand still for a bit, while you got the perfect shot. Couldn't have done better.

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Amazing photography John..Always enjoy your work..Great portrait of you in action..Thats a beast of a lens, but oh so nice :)

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