Flyfisher13 0 Report post Posted May 12, 2009 Everyone has gotta love the bank access people along the lake in their lawn chairs and baitcasters with their live minnows fishing. Mother's day we took a trip to the lake, the family, the kids were fishing and my daughter had caught a few gills and of course they were small and we put them back and she only being five still knows to get them off and back in the water not to keep them out too long and be gentle. We are there a little while when both of my children stop to fishing the observe the two adults and the kid sitting down bank from us that had the lawn chairs, cooler, baitcasters, and minnows. The Lady was telling the kid to dump back the already dead fish they had in cooler into the lake along with the left over minnows in the bucket. Where was Fish &Game when you needed them. Both my kids said my son particularly, Mom did you see that. Even a 5 and 12 year old knew better. My son was in awe he said if you kill the fish you need to eat the fish. Following he said they just messed that fishing hole up for a while forget catching any crappie there the rest of the evening. People like that don't need to be on our waters. It ran all over me here I am teaching my little ones respect of our waters and fish and grown-ups acting like that. My son even went half way up the bank to his dad and told him about it. I think he was loud enough that the people heard him and this was one time I wasn't going to say a thing to him for expressing his opinion. Those people didn't stick around to long. Two of the four of us had our flyrods and the kids had their spinning reels that they were casting and fishing theirselves. Some people! :nono: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Claudia 0 Report post Posted May 12, 2009 I've been fortunate enough not to run into too many jerks while fishing but every once in a while you just find someone that rubs you the wrong way and who you would swear is just going around seeing how big of a jerk he can really be. It was one of my first trips of the year to the C&R stretch of Rapid Creek. There were a few other people in the parking lot when I pulled up. My girlfriend was along with me to watch me fish. She's never fly fished before and I wanted it to be an educational and enjoyable experience for her. Several guys were standing around talking, 3 young guys and an older man. The three young guys gave the standard 'How's it goin?' and I gave the usual 'Good. Have any luck?' They seemed like nice guys. The older man however gave now greeting and promptly asked if I was from Montana State. I told him no and he said 'Well these MSU people have been taking over my stream.' (referring to the 3 younger guys) I was a little surprised by the comment, but tried to be polite and set out for my favorite pool. Now there is something you need to know about this section of Rapid Creek. It's a slow crystal clear section, and since it is C&R, the fish are not that spooky and you can catch them whether you are stealthy or not. I catch them all the time while standing in plain view....they're just used to the sight of humans. Anyway, I was casting at the tail of the pool while my girlfriend was at the head, having a good time watching the fish swim about. Pretty soon I heard her speaking to the old man, but I couldn't really make out what they were saying. Not long after I had on a very nice brown. I called for her to come and see, but she didn't come so I released the brown. Puzzled at where she would be, I went to see what she was up to, only to find her sitting in the parking lot. When I asked her what was wrong, she said that the man had asked her: 'Which direction are you headed? -'Up I guess.' 'Well I just want to make sure and go the opposite of whatever way you're going since you're scaring all the fish. If you had worn any other color shirt than white you would have been fine, but now this stretch is worthless.' :cursing: I can tell you I was fighting mad. The guy had already been a jerk about people fishing on "his" creek and now he was trying to tell my girlfriend that the fishing was ruined because of her. I wanted to give him a piece of my mind, tell him she had as much right to be there as he did. But my girlfriend said it was no big deal. Then I saw his shoes that he had left sitting on a rock and if it weren't for the better judgment of my girlfriend, that guy would have spent the rest of the evening fishing for his shoes. :devil2: The funny part is, I had a great day on the "worthless" stretch of stream that she supposedly ruined by wearing a white t-shirt. I would have loved to smack that guy upside the head with that 20" brown. :boxed: I guess the moral of this story is that as fisherman, we need to be aware of what kind of impression we make on others, especially new fisherman. I mean, do we really want to come off as snooty self righteous jerks who would rather criticize a person than help them? To me that kind of behavior is uncalled for and I'm sure it has accounted for more than one would be fly fisherman walking away from the sport. I'll get off my soapbox now. -Cody sorry to hear your girlfriends first fishing trip got ruined by one of the many lousy personalities that pollute any happy spirit. things like that happens many times when being a Woman near fishing waters, luckily it helps with a sugar sweet smile, head to the side and very softly explaining to the guy; Darling, its very hard to swim in waders... said that most Men are Very Polite and Nice by the fishing waters. Or maybe they already know... hm :hypocrite: C Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BillyBrookTrout 0 Report post Posted May 12, 2009 Ohhhh...did I tell you the one about where I was fishing for 8-10 inch brookies in a tiny pool right where the stream was crossed a dirt road. This truck pulls up and a guy lets out his black lab who naturally dives straight into the middle of the pool. I have a concealed weapons carry permit...its just lucky that I love dogs way too much to have done the proper thing. :devil: My respect for the 6th commandment saved the dog's master. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BigDaddyHub 0 Report post Posted May 16, 2009 if the location is secluded enough, I say take your chances with the forensics...... if they ever recover the body! :smoke: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lykos33 0 Report post Posted May 16, 2009 if the location is secluded enough, I say take your chances with the forensics...... if they ever recover the body! :smoke: Are you my Daddy? That sure sounds like something I would say!(BTW a lil lime helps with the forensics investigation, or so I have been told...) :hyst: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BigDaddyHub 0 Report post Posted May 18, 2009 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fishinbub 0 Report post Posted May 23, 2009 My respect for the 6th commandment saved the dog's master. I think God would understand. :hyst: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JRC 0 Report post Posted June 20, 2009 So late September last year, my buddy calls me up and says he and his father are taking his grandfather for what might be his last fly fishing opporunity. Asks if I want to hit up this pool and switch seats with him every hour or whatever while the two older fellas stay in the three seater boat they have. I say sure, lets go. We get there to find 5 other boats in the same area, all anchored and casting into this amazing pool on the Main South West branch of the Miramichi river. It's kind of an uspoken rule that when someone yells "Fish On!!!" everyone in the pool yanks their anchor and reels in their lines to give the lucky angler a chance at landing their fish. Anchors especially, Salmon love to beat their heads of the ropes and dislodge flies. So i'm on the bank minding my own business, fishing and just kind of enjoying the day, when I hear my buddy's grandfather weakly yell out "Fish On!!" I'm thinking perfect!! couldn't have happened to a better guy. As the norm, everyone pulls their anchor and reels in their line and head for shore to let the old lad fight his fish....all but 2 idiots, that we came to find out later, were from the northern part of the province and not locals. My buddy's father, who is a 5' tall 160 lb sparkplug jumps up and not so kindly asks the two idiots in the canoe to get the **** out of the pool, they laughed and kept fishing. Needless to say, the old lad lost his salmon on their anchor rope, after about 15 mins of action. To this, my buddy's father promptly fires up the 2 horser and putts alongside the two idiots, picks up the 2 cinder block bundle he had for and anchor and drives it through the center of their boat!! I damn near fell in the water laughing at these fools floundering for their gear and beer while trying to tread water in their newly sinking boat! So i guess there's really two morales to this one, 1) respect not only your elders but your fellow fishers and 2) watch out for those 5' rednecks with cinderblocks!! :headbang: On a side note, we all brought every fish we caught last year to the old fella, hope he's able to get out this year. Now, that right there is funny. Thanks for that great laugh, I sure needed one. I'd pay some good money to see that in person. That would make my year. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
troutguy 0 Report post Posted June 20, 2009 Can I add a positive spin to this. How about a great encounter with a nice guy? My friend Rudy and I were fishing in NC Mountains after a November snow. We fished early morning to about 11:30 and the cold drove us to a local diner to get warm and eat. We caught fish during the morning, but it was cold. We returned to the river after lunch and were moving a little slower getting our gear on when a Subaru pulled up to the parking area (only three spots) and this guy got out. I fish with a bamboo rod from the sixties and a Plueger reel. My outfit looks like I just stepped out of 1968. This guy said hi and remarked about my rod. He had a honey colored bamboo rod. We introduced ourselves and he said his name was Farrow. I told my friend he looked familiar. The guy asked if we fished this stretch much we both said yes. This was the area we fished the most. He asked if we mind if he tagged along that he would guide us and show us some fish. ( A little presumptuous we thought) He proceeded to spot fish and put us on them. I am talking FISH! He showed me a 16 incher along the far bank and then said stop cast to that one. I landed a 20 inch rainbow in about 8 inches of water. He left us after about three hours. He left us with some flies in a pool. We caught fish like he had snuck us into the fish hatchery at night. We stayed until hypothermia drove us shivering and almost dangerously unable to walk out of the river. After he left, I realized he was Farrow Allen and that I recognized him from book jackets. He seemed like a nice guy. This was several years ago and my friend and I still remember that afternoon. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
getholdofjoru 0 Report post Posted July 3, 2009 As long as you fish public water, you should expect idiots. In fact, we may be an "idiot" in some other person's story, I'm sure that I am. I have one though to share: I drove to a prime smallmouth stream about an hour and a half away from me, trophy water. There is a deep hole there at the confluence of two creeks. Anyone who can read water knows to stand away from this and cast into it. I get to the hole and tie into two HUGE fish with my wooly bugger, but they wrap around rocks and break off. I decide to fish downstream and let the hole rest and come back to it. Someone from the RV park across stream is watching me and decides to come out to fish this hole. No problem, its public water. But when I get back up to it, he's STANDING IN THE HOLE (wrong position,) casting a buzz bait (wrong lure choice) into about six inches of shallow water (no fish there.) At least if you're going to steal my spot, KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Classic tier 0 Report post Posted July 4, 2009 Sounds as if this guy didn't know what he was doing, or he didn't know the water. You can hardly blame him for "using the wrong lure" or "casting into 6 inches of water". The best thin you could have done would to have walked 'round to him and said "Excuse me, but I've noticed your using a buzz bait and you seem to be casting into very shallow water. If I were you I'd try using (Insert fly/lure). Also try casting over there. That's where the big fish lie. Tight lines!" That way you know for certain wether or not this guy was wanting to disrupt your fishing, or wether he was a complete beginner. Saying "if you're going to steal my water" is a little hypocritical of you, seeing as you also said "No problem, public water". How can someone steal public fishing water from you? It doesn't even belong to you! It's public! If you fish public water, then to some extent, you've got to expect absolute beginners, or disruptive behaviour. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
yellow bomber 0 Report post Posted July 4, 2009 From what I'm reading, the guy from the RV park was watching him fish the area first. Beginner or not ya don't just go stand where someone was just casting. I thought that came with havin a set... :dunno: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Classic tier 0 Report post Posted July 4, 2009 But it seems this guy didn't even tell him that. I often find alot of beginners want to fish near the more experienced, even if they don't talk, they know there'll be fish. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ibian 0 Report post Posted July 14, 2009 It's happened to me more than once this year and last year and the year before that. If you get into fish and someone is around you with a walmart spinner $9.99 special you will never be lonely for the rest of the day. If it's a kid I usally try and help them out by putting them on there own hole but with the adults I will go to were they were standing and thank them for giving up the best part of the river. They move again fast after that as well. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rstout 0 Report post Posted July 14, 2009 Here is my story. I fly fish a river that is designated no bait (artificial only) and a single barbless hook. It has been that way for 20 years. One evening I was casting to a seam on a stretch of river with not another person in sight either direction for probably a mile when I heard a vehicle pull up on the gravel road above me. I heard the door slam but I ignored it. I am used to people watching me fly fish or walk down and ask me how things are going. I could hear the peson coming down the rocky bank toward me and stop. I usually ignore people unless they say something. I continued to fish casting up into the seem when a split shot sinker and a worm come flying over my shoulder and across my fly line. Needless to say we were all tangled up. I was shocked to say the least. I stripped in my line, dragging his mess of crap and untangled it. I then told him in the politest voice that "I do not mean to butt into your business but this river is designated artifical only and that you cannot use bait." The guy looked at me and said (F@#$ You). I was instantly pissed but instead of punching him in the forhead (as I am a bleeder), I reeld up my line, walked up onto the bank, got out my digital camera and took his picture along with the worm container on the rock next to him. That really pissed him off where he yelled a few more expletives in my direction. I then walked up to his pickup and took a picture of the license plate. He was still screaming at me when I left. I sent both photographs and a written statement to the local fish and game office. Not sure what happened to him if anything. I now carry my .40 in my vehicle. The situation could have gotten ugly. To many idiots in the world and not enough bullets. Just kidding. I don't condone it but I understand. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites