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Fly Tying

Just a little sumthin' for ma southern boys

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TroutBum!!! How ya been , brother!! Long time no See!!!









We know you got here as fast as you could! LOL

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If things go right, I'll be in Virginia within a year. Tried to convince the wife that Texas was the place to be, but I think the armadillos rattled her a bit. Something about armored rats :D Frankly I think she was afraid I go out and buy a new pair of boots, polish the buckle and dust of hat. My son was pushing for Tyler, my company for Dallas and me... any place but New Jersey.

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the Old Dominion is a wonderful place, especially Central and Southwest Virginia in the heart of the Blue Ridge and Clinch Mountains...summers are as hot as Africa, but can still hope for a White Christmas

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the Old Dominion is a wonderful place, especially Central and Southwest Virginia in the heart of the Blue Ridge and Clinch Mountains...summers are as hot as Africa, but can still hope for a White Christmas


My company just posted a Position in Roanoke, definitely not where my wife wants to be :D She's looking more toward the east cost, I on the other hand am of a different opinion. She likes the sand and sea, I like the mountains and woods - go figure.

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My company just posted a Position in Roanoke, definitely not where my wife wants to be :D She's looking more toward the east cost, I on the other hand am of a different opinion. She likes the sand and sea, I like the mountains and woods - go figure.



My neck of the woods here in the Ozarks are mighty hard to beat Rich if you like mountains and woods. In the summer, its hot as all blazes, humid as a sauna and you'll have to fight off the chiggers... But you tend to forget all that when you're waist deep in the White or Norfork.

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You're right Mike.....My mother's family is from Arkansas, Oklahoma, and East Texas....looks a lot like my childhood home....beautiful country there, especially on the White!

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You're right Mike.....My mother's family is from Arkansas, Oklahoma, and East Texas....looks a lot like my childhood home....beautiful country there, especially on the White!



From what I've heard and read, Kentucky is not a bad place either. Lots of beautiful

Rivers brimming with nice trout like the Cumberland? 20 inch slot limits. Looks

mighty "perty".



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living in Central Ky, I sometimes get homesick for the mountains, BUT, I am fortunate enough to live literally 20 minutes from the finest smallmouth and largemouth action in the state....there are at least 20 floatable/wadable streams within 20 miles of my front door...it's truly the only reason I remained in this area for so long!

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living in Central Ky, I sometimes get homesick for the mountains, BUT, I am fortunate enough to live literally 20 minutes from the finest smallmouth and largemouth action in the state....there are at least 20 floatable/wadable streams within 20 miles of my front door...it's truly the only reason I remained in this area for so long!
We may have to have a little discussion on who lives closest to the best smallie fishing :dunno: I'll trade smallie pics with you. Just kidding there's not many stream in Central and Eastern Ky that is not full of smallies the difference is the pressure on the streams. Heck my southern drawl is so bad my friends up north that come to fish with me bring a translator, my dog even barks with a southern drawl. :help: :hyst:

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As you know , Alan, I speak fluent "Perry" and "Knot" Anglish.... :hyst: H'aint gunna need no transalatter!! Serouisly, Gonna be heading your way after the little gets here and gets settled in!! May even have to bring the canoe or the float tube

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As you know , Alan, I speak fluent "Perry" and "Knot" Anglish.... :hyst: H'aint gunna need no transalatter!! Serouisly, Gonna be heading your way after the little gets here and gets settled in!! May even have to bring the canoe or the float tube
Well I reckon you better bring that canoe ifin you gona keep up wit me. :smoke: :thumbsup:


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Three and a half weeks and the baby will be here.....First of October may be perfect...time will tell!!!

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