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Fly Tying

BWO nymph

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Just wondering if anyone has a pattern for a BWO nymph with some insight on how to tie it.






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I typically just fish a small pheasant tail nymph, flashback is my typical choice, in 18-24 for my BWOs



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Also my choice for BWO nymph. Pheasant tail, or Turkey tail. No need to complicate things. I tie a turkey tail emerger with a bit of lighter olive dubbing in the thorax area to fish just under the surface.

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My current fav is a soft hackled pheasant tail - seems to be outfishing a bh or standard during the spring at least.

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BWO is is the hatch on my favorite river right now. I tie this one in size 18-24. The only change from teh picture below that I do, is to use a longer fibit tail... The other day I was out and it was deadly on the Browns. I also take this pattern and tie a small CDC loop on the top for an emerger pattern.



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