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My trip to Alqonguin Park

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Some of you have seen these aleswhere, some of you haven't so here you go.

I love this place. I first started going there around the age of 5 or 6 after ice out for trout openers with my Dad, then later in my teens on my own tripping. Try to go atleast once a year. This year I'm hoping to go 3 times.


Copied from elsewhere...I'm too lazy to retype everything :)



Anticipation of things to come



The sound of a babbling brook below a Beaver dam



A cooling dip



A little sip



Yours truly taking it in, could not care less how cold the water was or the Black flies making a meal of me



What trip would be complete without one sunset photo












Maid of the mist



What you looking at




How bad were the Black Flies?

Bad, as you can see here, they are all over this Bull's Antlers which they are drawn to due the copious amounts of blood in them as they start their new growth



nor are these dust specks caught in the back light :)



If your interested in seeing the gallery go here, if you like it leave a comment



As all good things must come to end, so to does this thread.


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Awesome pictures and looks like a great place to get some neat shots. Not to mention some great memories. It's always good to go back and live those again. My favorite is the sunset with the sun star. Love sunsets and the colors and you captured them well. I'm still working on the sun stars. I do love the early morning mist and the canoe along with the tent and the light inside. Have lots of memories of those days of back packing/camping. Good times :)



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Nice pictures, I only live 3 hours away from there and I have never been. Your photos will get me there this year. Thanks.

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