riffleriversteelheadslayer 0 Report post Posted July 10, 2009 sorry for the rant yall was just in a bad mood when I went off the deep end please don't take anything serious that I have stated in my earlier post just had come back in from one of my favorite little creeks I normally fish from the worst trip ever 3 miles from my house. Started out as a normal great day of fishing and ended up with a call to the state police dnr and having to change 2 tires on my truck not to mention seeing a grown man melt down to a whimpering child thanks to a few animal activist canoeing throwing stones into all the good trout holes and going as far as breaking this poor guys rod as for the term redneck it is highly over used although it fits alot of people myself included Futzer thanks for the compliment I really needed that and also to be put in check for my rant Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Futzer 0 Report post Posted July 10, 2009 Paul, I am sad that the time you got to spend fly-fishing was as bad as you described. I am as passionate as you are for my streams. We stick together! Family! One group not afraid to speak openly. No worries, is there anything we can do to help with the mess? Letters to DNR? Did someone vandalize your tires illegally in the name of an over zealous cause? We are the only people to sanely change the perception of caring intelligently for the fishing/natural environment. Cheers, Jeff Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
riffleriversteelheadslayer 0 Report post Posted July 10, 2009 not much can be done right now the police ended up arresting 6 people last night me not included this time and now the dnr says they will be watching for this type of stuff in this area I guess somewhere in their rule books this creek actually is off limits to canoers for some reason as for the tires I have to sue to get any monetary replacement for them but the land owner where I park at is a good friend of mine and is going to put up a gate and a lock and giving me a key so maybe we can cut down on stuff like this happening at least my rod and equipment didn't get any damage Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
yellow bomber 0 Report post Posted July 10, 2009 The lengths that these so called "animal rights" extremists go to sometimes completely boils my blood. I, as well as most other God fearing men, see the need to protect our resources and respect the animals that live in them. In my opinion, these people are blatently abusing their right to free speech and spitting in the face of the country that has fought so hard to give its citizens freedom and the ability to get into our great outdoors. They seem to be able to get away with whatever they want under the guise that they are "activists". Well to me, an activist is someone who takes the time to deliver their message in an appropriate, intelligent manner, instead of the ridiculous actions they repeatedly perform and recieve little to no reprecussions for. I was born and raised in Newfoundland and have seen an entire province's way of life basically destroyed because of "animal activists". Their repeated protests of the seal hunt being barbaric is ridiculous. The increased number of these sloth like creatures, who's main diet is of course the Codfish, has crippled an economy, ruined small villages and families, and threatened to rid an area of its heritage and right to survive. For what? A chance to get on the evening news? I don't get how these people get away with the things they do. As for the Redneck comment, being a "Newfie" i can somewhat relate. We've been the brunt of endless jokes and television skits for as long as they've been around. The term "Newfie" is thrown around just as freely as "Redneck" is in the south, and although it can be taken out of context and twisted around to be taken as some sort of insult, we just smile and most times laugh and agree because at the end of the day we all know there's only two types of people in the world, Newfies and those who wish they were! :headbang: Take pride in your heritage and don't let a harmless comment make rise to actions as, in my opinion, that makes us no better than these overreacting "activists". I'm new to this forum and enjoy it immensely, there is a great brotherhood that goes with our craft and it would be a shame to see it squandered because of a harmless comment that has been blown out of proportion. Just my two cents. Cheers to one and all. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ridleyffo 0 Report post Posted July 10, 2009 How boring would it be if we all believed and were passionate about the same things. Diversity and some other things make the grass grow. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rich5665 0 Report post Posted July 10, 2009 wouldn't have thought twice about throwing the deer in the back of the truck and then dispatching it, none of them are Rednecks Personally, an act like that would certainly classify you as a redneck Guess my Dad and Uncles fit the definition then. I would have to say then that the apple didn't fall far from the family tree, let me check under my collar.... Yep Red and proud of it Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smallieFanatic 0 Report post Posted July 10, 2009 :lol: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
j74snook 0 Report post Posted July 11, 2009 well backstrap is pretty tastey and doe is better tasting than buck. so after it fell the first time I personally would have filled my freezer one more good time befor hunting season.Now that being said, I dont want to be classified as a killhappy redneck. It wouldnt go to waste. The meat for food and the hide for tying. Win win.And I belong to P.E.T.A(people eating tastey animals) So come on october to avoid the critisism Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ridleyffo 0 Report post Posted July 11, 2009 I've been waiting for my buddy Snook to show up! :thumbup: You would have liked this one Snook. Nice and meaty! I would think with the Florida heat down there all your girls would be skinny. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
j74snook 0 Report post Posted July 12, 2009 I've been waiting for my buddy Snook to show up! :thumbup: You would have liked this one Snook. Nice and meaty! I would think with the Florida heat down there all your girls would be skinny. you know you are right. We have very small deer here in FL. They max out on average to about 160 170. But 2 to 3 a year keeps the freez stocked til about two months befor season opener. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rich5665 0 Report post Posted July 23, 2009 Thought I'd share this. I took these up in the Delaware Water Gap a couple of months ago when I took the Scouts fishing. The doe came close enough for me to reach out and touch her nose right after I snapped her picture. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
silverbullet32 0 Report post Posted July 24, 2009 Most of the "kill-happy" rednecks in my neck-of-the-woods wouldn't have given the doe a chance to recover! Good job. well sometimes the best thing for a deer hit by a car is to be shot. why put an injured deer through a life where it can barely walk or function? i know what you mean by what you said, we have alot here and i know alot, but like somebody said above, a redneck would usually keep the meat. i know several guys that do that, and its not a bad thing, game wardens actually encourage it. in the end, no hard feelings mike Loren Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Arkansas Mike 0 Report post Posted July 24, 2009 well sometimes the best thing for a deer hit by a car is to be shot. why put an injured deer through a life where it can barely walk or function? i know what you mean by what you said, we have alot here and i know alot, but like somebody said above, a redneck would usually keep the meat. i know several guys that do that, and its not a bad thing, game wardens actually encourage it. in the end, no hard feelings mike Loren Absolutely, Loren. My thoughtless and stupid comment gave a lot of the guys the wrong impression. I would have shot the deer myself if it'd been seriously injured. I'm certainly not against hunting so long as all the laws are followed. My own father is a hunter (he's slowed down now that he is in his 70's), as are many of my friends. I'm very much against radical groups like PETA (not your branch Snook). I'm simply a nature and animal lover. As I'm certain a lot of hunters are. As far as my redneck remark...I guess in the age of Jeff Foxworthy and Larry The Cable Guy, it gets thrown around a bit too much...especially down here in the south. The best friend I've ever had made the mold...and I'd trust him with my life. Have trusted him with my life. Fact is...whether hunter or fisherman, we are all outdoorsmen and sportsmen, and though I personally am not a hunter, I'd sit down at the vise, wade out into a river...or have a drink, with any member of this forum. Mike Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
silverbullet32 0 Report post Posted July 24, 2009 well i totaly agree with you mike. you seem like a ver understanding person which is great. on alot of forums, people explode way to easily and its so nice to be able to just sit here and chat with fellow outdoorsman who support eachother so much. and i would personally love to have every one of us get together. thank you for your kindness. Loren Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ridleyffo 0 Report post Posted August 17, 2009 Not to throw salt on any open wounds and solely with the best intentions of shaing a laugh with everyone, I thought that ya'll might enjoy these photos. And not only rednecks use duck tape on kids, I was taped to the potty as a little guy. Today I could have my parents arrested. Redneck Swing Redneck Mailbox Redneck timeout Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites