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I made these today, need help!

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Hey guys,


today i made up these body/hook combos and before i put feathers on them, i would like to know what i should go with for materials and what colors. any help would be a plus, and i am limited on supplies so it might be a while before they get done.





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There's a lot of things you could do to dress them. It's a matter of personal choice & what you're confident in fishing with. I usually dress that type popper with a tail of splayed neck hackle, and a wrapped collar of either neck hackle or saddle. I prefer the saddle, and primarily just use black for the collar because I feel it adds good contrast no matter what the other colors may be. I add a few strands of flash in the tail, and if I add rubber legs it's tied behind the body & the collar is wrapped around the legs. I have tried to thread the legs thru the body, but stopped doing that many years ago because I messed up too many bodies & never seemed to get the legs balanced on each side.


For colors, I usually just go with a tail that matches the head color, with the black collar. But I don't use a lot of head colors. Primarily white, black, chartreuse, olive or sometimes yellow or red. Occasionally I make some up all one color, but not a lot.




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isnt grizzly hackle expensive? also, i havent learned how to tie in a weed guard so any advice would be be nice,


thanks for the replies guys



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Dry fly hackle can get expensive but hen hackle or streamer saddle isn't too bad respectively. You could also use bucktail for the tail.

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Silverbullet32, if you can find strung "Chinchilla" hackle, either neck or saddle, it's a great substitute for grizzly. It looks like grizzly, but the barring is not as nice, but the fish won't care. It's usually sold as warmwater or saltwater hackle, and you can often find it for around $3 to 4 for a 1/4 oz package. It works great for streamers or bugs.


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