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Fly Tying

Pet Peeves? What are they?

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I have put some thought into it and have found two pet peeves of mine that drive me up the WALL!!!! when I'm fly fishing. They are:


1. When somebody asks me if I caught anything when I'm standing at my truck rigging up my line and haven't even made a cast yet


2. Kids who throw rocks into the water where I'm fishing


What are your pet peeves and how do you deal with them?

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My pet peeve is people who decide that the fishing run you are in is the one they want and they are not shy about moving in and taking over.


I was fishing a river last fall in late October. 99% of all people around here stop fishing this river in September. A gravel road travels 40 miles of the river. I drove to the headwaters early one morning and never saw another fisherman in the 40 miles. My plan was to fish back down the river. I found a run I wanted to fish of about 100 yds and waded out and started fishing. About 5 minutes into the run, a minivan from another state pulled up and 3 guys got out and started wading out into the run with me. One of the guys walked up to within 20 feet of me and started casting. I asked him if there were any other runs on the river they could have fished (in October, the river is low with continuous runs for cutthroat and bull trout the whole length of the river). He made some smartassed reply and continued fishing. I waded to shore (I wanted to flatten their tires but I didn't), got in my truck and drove about a mile downriver and fished the rest of the day without seeing another fisherman. I would have been pissed off for the rest of the day but the fishing was great.


I have fished with people from the state the 3 dorks were from and have never seen this type of behavior from anyone else. The dorks must have been abused as children to have such lousy manners.

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My pet peeve is people who decide that the fishing run you are in is the one they want and they are not shy about moving in and taking over.



I echo rstout's pet peeve. I also get irritated at inconsiderate people in drift boats. Though most respect waders and go out of their way not to disturb, there always seem to be those who don't watch their wakes, bang the sides of their boats, and pass 20 feet in front of you. I appreciate all those respectful of us waders.






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I second the kids throwing rocks in the water--for some strange reason it bugs me...and I mean really bugs me....


Another is when some massive bass boat comes roaring up at full throttle and the driver askes if you are catching anything.







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When i take the kids fishing, it usually turns into them throwing rocks.....and me casting farther. :rolleyes:

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Bass tournaments :thumbsdown:


I deal with it by not fishing the larger lakes on the weekends

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I agree with rstout. That just makes me mad when someone decides it necessary to fish the same run as you or the same piece of cover your fishing.


I also hate when people decide its necessary to yell to their buddy so they can have a conversation even though he is 100yds away. I am out here to listen to the river running and the sounds of nature and these 2 bozos are yelling to each other they just caught a fish or just saw a fish.

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Truly hate to see litter.

Got to add more: people who leave fish either dead or to die...


Not obeying the regs or paying for their license.



Can I add two more and agree with cencalfly and shezli? Littering and not obeying the regulations. Creel limits, size restrictions, etc.

It kills me to see people abusing our rivers, streams and lakes.


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1. When you are fishing a tiny pond catching trout and someone drags a boat in

slamming oars or even starting a small motor up, scaring the crap out of the fish.

Saw a guy enter a small creek once in a float tube. Funny as hell.


2. When you are catching fish from a lake shore and someone thinks that the fish are

all where you are. He then proceeds to fish along side of you with a large jig or spoon.


3. A beautiful, calm afternoon on the lake in my float tube.

The trout are there...and then....water skiers.....back and forth past you...arghhh!!!


4. In the float tube in the middle of a lake and having to go to the bathroom.

Always make sure you're drained.


5. Wondering as I fish, if my vehicle and other gear inside are still safe and secure.

It's always great to fish an area where I can still see my truck from the water.


6. Out north, fishing streams. Always watching my back for bears.


7. Awkward float tube launches at certain lakes. Soft, muddy shorelines,

sharp sticks and stumps, etc.


8. Wind knots in my leader sometimes.



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I'm going to agree with shezli too on littering...but more specifically--plastic shopping bags.


I actually casted to a plastic shopping bag wrapped around a root once thinking it was a bass. I spent probably ten minutes doing so because I thought it was a possible trophy.


Okay, so I'm not that sharp!!!


But I have had enough of plastic bags and would support proposals to ban them.



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My biggest is when a fly fisherman purposly gives the impression that fly fishing is only for "the chosen few", and in order to get into the sport, you need to spend $1200 for a rod, $750 for a reel, and so on.

I teach fly fishing / tying to Boy Scouts, and have seen folks actually tell kids that. You think Billy's parents are going to pop that kind of money so he can try out a sport he may not even end up liking?


Next biggest is the way some treat our streams and rivers. I'm a Leave No Trace Master Educator, and talk to a lot of groups about the sensible use of our outdoors. HATE seeing trash on the streams and trails. Actually saw a truck transmission on a trail in the middle of nowhere once. No roads anywhere near; dropped from a plane?? :huh:

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my biggest is people that down nose you because you decide to keep a couple of fish for dinner. I see this alot in trout waters near my place. I always smile at them and say I need these to go with the 140 that is in my freezer. Even though there isn't any in my freezer.

Second one is drunk or inexperienced canoers that find themselves needing to run into you when your standing in 2 feet of water trying to land a fish.

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1. Our government allowing Natives to stretch nets across our rivers and keep anything and everything that gets snared, including Salmon of which us lowly residents are only allowed to tag 8 of (grilse), and then see them for sale on the side of the road out of the back of a truck for 10 bucks.


2. Worm containers. These things are everywhere on any streams and rivers that are easily accessible. I removed 12 from a local river this past weekend, totally disgusting.


3. Clear cutting. Sensless and sickening

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