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beginner fly tying videos or dvds

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hey guys im new to this and i was wondering what would be more helpful an instructional book or a dvd? please list your favorite one of either. Thanks everyone

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I have mine on sale on my web site for 9.99 right now. Its a bit more advanced......

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Hey, flyfisher715. I started with books, but many follow the old adage "A picture is worth a thousand words". For a beginner, whether you get the book or video, Skip Morris' Fly Tying Made Clear & Simple is hard to beat. Check out this earlier post for more ideas.




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I would suggest checking out David Cammiss on youtube .


Some good books are..


1. Essential Trout Flies By Dave Hughes

2. Tying Small Flies By Ed Engle

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I really like the DVD/Tapes that come with the Bass Pro Shops tying kits. You don't have to buy the kits to get the videos. I think they sell them for $10-$15 or so separately.


There are four: Saltwater, Bass, Trout/Panfish & Jigs.


Lefty Kreh does the intros on all of them and all of the saltwater one. He does parts of the other ones. The other guy on the tapes is a guy named Mike Hough/Huff (sp?). His sections are pretty informative as well and they both give some good tips.


The patterns they cover are useful and effective. I spent a lot of time watching the videos when my daughter was born and I'd take my turn on the middle of the night feedings.

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I think your path of least expense is the you tube route. There are some very good tiers putting out helpful vids all the time, Cammis and Mac Phail being 2 of the best. You find a vid ya like and subscribe to the vid maker and you can find it anytime ya like. I'm not saying to forego buying a dvd, cuz there are a lot of good ones out there. Take a look at day5's flies and you'll probably decide to pick that dvd up, he has some sweet flies! In the end the decision is yours but at least you have a lot of choices. Lot's of our "senior" tiers here had a few books or a mentor to learn from and that was all, we are a lot more fortunate! :thumbsup:

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New to tieing and want to take step by step lessons here's some good ones:


Fly Anglers On-Line - the late Al Campbell did a fly tying class online with step by step photo's and it's FREE - you can print them out and put them in a binder for saving - starts out with Beginner then to Intermediate and then advanced. Go to


http://www.flyanglersonline.com/ On the left side of the screen click Fly Tying and on the next screen click Beginning Fly Tying


For Free Video's that go step by step Fly Tying the Anglers Art http://www.kwsu.org/ Plays in Windows Media player, you used to be able to download these but now you can't.


The Buckeye United Fly Fishers http://www.buckeyeflyfishers.com/flyofmonth/fotm.asp go to Fly of the month and theirs a bunch.


I agree with the Skp Morris - Fly Tying Made Clear & Simple, I like the book better than the DVD.


These should do you well to start but like the rest of us, you'll start picking up some of the older Fly Tying books not only for the History but because alot of the old patterns work just as well today as they when they were first tied.





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hey guys im new to this and i was wondering what would be more helpful an instructional book or a dvd? please list your favorite one of either. Thanks everyone


i'm going to suggest taking some fly tying lessons. its tying season and most fly shops should have some classes starting up.


get the basics down from the lessons and then buy the books or dvd's.


heres some good videos on tying tools, what they are and their uses



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