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Fly Tying
Arkansas Mike

Classic Dry Fly Swap

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Man, Rich... you really are a swapoholic!






Only way to keep in practice. I don't tie flies for myself, go figure. I have more fun tying for other people for some reason. Up until I joined the forum Fly Fishing had been on the back burner as well. My fly rod has seen more use this year than any other year since it was made for me back in '91.

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Would you consider adding international dimension to your swap? As for the postage, I propose that I just send you two $1 dollar bills, they cost me less than the IRC :)



That'd be great, Firetiger. You are in. Let me know what you'll be tying. Welcome.





Perfect, ill tie a Iron Blue Dun. As classic a pattern as they get :)

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I bought a new digital camera with a micro-function a month-or-so ago. Once I receive everyone's flies, I'll shoot them and post the pics for

all to see.




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I will be tying the simple but affective "F Fly".



Hi, Scott. Is your F fly an upright divided-wing pattern or a downwing?

I hate to be difficult, but I was hoping everyone would pick a standard/classic upright




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It is an upright divided wing fly. It is suppose to be one of the original classic flies that has been around since dinosaurs ruled the land, and yes it will catch a dinosaur if you can find one. I'll send you a picture of one this weekend so you can see it. And the name is the original name not one I gave it.

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May I join in? I'd like to do a "Catskill".




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Thanks, Scott. I wasn't familiar with the pattern so tried Googling it. Found this.. My bad.






I'm good to go then, right?

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I'm good to go then, right?



Absolutely, Scott. Looking forward to seeing your F fly.



Great, JohnR. I love Catskills. Let me know which one you're going to do.


And that closes the swap!




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Great, JohnR. I love Catskills. Let me know which one you're going to do.

Hey Mike,


Its one I learned at FAOL but the only name given was "Catskill".


I have a picture of my first attempt at it - done almost a year ago when I first started tying. I'll need to take a picture of more recent attempts sometime. I believe my skills have improved a good bit since then. Particularly my proportions and the hackling job too. But, the picture will give you some idea of what I intend to tie.




Thanks for allowing me to join!!


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Check your PM for addy, B. LeBlanc. Looking forward to seeing your flies.


Thanks for the pic of your Catskill, JohnR. I appreciate you participating.







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