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Pattern for Bull Trout

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I am looking for a good Bull Trout pattern.


I was fishing for cutthroat last weekend when a 30+ inch bull trout chased the cutthroat I had hooked up into the rocks. The BT got ahold of the CT and took him out into about 3 feet of water with me pulling pretty hard (5 weight with 5X tippet) and I couldn't move him. I pulled for about 30 seconds and then decided to herd him into the shallow water by walking toward him. Once he moved into about a foot of water, I reached down and tailed him. He flipped loose and dropped my fish. I thought that was the end of it. No! The BT chased the CT and hit him again right at my feet so I grabbed the BT again by the tail and he flipped loose again, this time going between my legs, bouncing off a wader boot and breaking my line. The CT got away in the shallow water and the BT swam back out into the river. I sat down to catch my breath. I then switched rigs and put on a big streamer (double bunny) but could not get anything to look at it.


Does anyone have a pattern they can recommend?



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Something big hairy, ugly and orange


Orange? Never thought about using orange.





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[i have heard of people using very large streamer such as leaches and minnow imitations. Many of these patterns invole some type of articulation to further induce a strike. I have seen people using toned down versions of pike flies. Also remember that bull trout are threatened and in some places endangered. I am sure i dont have to tell you that you should treat them with the upmost respect. Good luck. You might also want to come up with a fly that imitates the young ct in your area.


Hope this helps,


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[i have heard of people using very large streamer such as leaches and minnow imitations. Many of these patterns invole some type of articulation to further induce a strike. I have seen people using toned down versions of pike flies. Also remember that bull trout are threatened and in some places endangered. I am sure i dont have to tell you that you should treat them with the upmost respect. Good luck. You might also want to come up with a fly that imitates the young ct in your area.


Hope this helps,





I appreciate the caution. I never take them out of the water, barbless hooks, and every once in awhile I do some research for F&G on fish in this area. I just have never intentionally fished for them.


I am working on the fly that imitates CT.





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rstout - The double bunny has worked well for me. Also any large (1/0 - 2) articulated streamer. They are not picky so really any heavily weighted streamer two-toned white and green/tan with just a splash or red down the center. Needs to mimic form and fished like an injured fish. Lots of movement, don't really need that perfect swing. I have found this to work the best by far. Bull trout are weird and the large ones are very opportunistic. Some time you can hit them on the nose with the streamer and get nothing. At other times they'll jet 20 feet and nail the snot out of it.

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rstout - The double bunny has worked well for me. Also any large (1/0 - 2) articulated streamer. They are not picky so really any heavily weighted streamer two-toned white and green/tan with just a splash or red down the center. Needs to mimic form and fished like an injured fish. Lots of movement, don't really need that perfect swing. I have found this to work the best by far. Bull trout are weird and the large ones are very opportunistic. Some time you can hit them on the nose with the streamer and get nothing. At other times they'll jet 20 feet and nail the snot out of it.


I appreciate the fly pattern. I tied some up this weekend. Now if I can find the time to get out and use them, things would be perfect.




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