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I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions or instructions for an easy emerger to tie, i consider myself a decent flytyer but have never tried to tie an emerger before.




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Mayfly emergers are halfway between a nymph and a dun (sorta.) So you can simply tye a floating nymph with large, dark wingpads. (That represents the emerger just before it climbs out of the nymph's husk.) Or go one step further and tye a floating nymph with short wings leaning back. (That would be the emerged dun before its wings are all pumped up and ready to go.) To make it more realistic you replace the tails with something meant to represent the empty shuck the insect has just climbed out of. The shuck can be made of Antron dubbing, Z-lon, CDC, soft hackle fibers, Krystal Flash, hackle tips, afterfeathers, yarn, almost anything that looks the part.

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I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions or instructions for an easy emerger to tie, i consider myself a decent flytyer but have never tried to tie an emerger before.






You can find pics and recipe for one of my emerger patterns called a Black Sabbath Emerger on www.flytyingworld.com

It is one that is a simple beadhead emerger to tie, and has caught every species of freshwater fish (including catfish).

Just PM me if you have any other questions, such as how I fish this pattern or other tying questions.

Cheers & Tight Lines !!!

Alpinefly B)


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