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Yellow perch...armed and ready now...

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My brother recently got back from a fishing trip up north

on the Sask/Manitoba border.

He gave me a heads up on a lake where they used to stock trout

but perch got into it and wiped out the trout population.

I pulled up to this lake a while ago but never fished it as I was trying out some

other lakes at the time.

When he told me what he encountered there, I could have kicked myself

for not trying for the perch there on a fly.

He said the lake is teaming with yellow perch now with smaller ones inshore and the larger

perch out a little deeper. Swarms of them, he said.

This got my blood running and got me tying up a few perch fly boxes for the trip.

I got a new 5 weight floating setup and a 4 weight sinking I've used before.

I'll use a strike indicator with the bead head flies.

It's gonna be a blast.


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Nice Nav37, throw in a few chartruse and black grubs with dangly rubber legs. Cheers, Futzer.

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Is this lake you talk about in the duck mountains? Nice perch box but wheres the leeches??

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Yes it is in the Duck. My brother said that people were lined up in the one accessible area

there and were catching a lot of them. He looked in some of their buckets on shore

and remarked how small the perch were that some kept.

He used one of my float tubes and caught nicer ones out farther.


One thing that happened got me thinking as well.

When he was out there, he talked to a guy with a small boat and depth finder.

He noticed the guy had quite a large spoon on and inquired about it.

The guy told him that with his depth finder, he encountered a series of deep

holes where he got some very big fish readings and thinks there are some large

residual trout still there.

Hope to get there this season some time.


Flo green and black with rubber legs? I'll give that a tie.

Leeches too.

Thanks you guys.

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And some hoppers , bettles, and maybe a few poppers too.


Sounds like a great place to fish. Good luck on the trip



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No, it's not Two Mile.

I fished Two Mile when I was younger and remember there being brookies and loads of perch in it as well.

The lake is Jackfish Lake just south of Madge Lake. It's still on the Sask side I believe.

The tourism guides still read " visit Jackfish Lake and try for some trout..."

It's surprising how many writeups are not updated regarding small trout lakes

which for years have been over run with perch.

In Sask, There is Zeden, Mitten, Jackfish, and a bunch of other which haven't been stocked with trout for years

because of the perch infiltration.

I wonder how perch get in there anyways to take over a trout lake.

Some of these lakes don't seem to have any inlets or outlets in them.

I know the fisheries stocked perch in two trout lakes up north by mistake.

It happens I guess.

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What ever you do, do not keep them to eat!! 95% will probably has a Disease. They will have black dots have some weird pus bubbles in there gills. Just a heads you.

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Pus bubble in their gills? That's something I haven't seen before.

Seen enough black spots on pike.

I wasn't going to keep any from there, just going there for fun.

Then some pike fishing back at Batka Lake.

Thanks for the warning Wellman.

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Well, I just got back from my week of holidays at Duck Mountain.

Spent 3 afternoons at Jackfish Lake hitting the perch with my flies.

Wow! I've rarely seen so many perch and they were eager to please.

About 75 perch later, I called it quits and fished some other lakes.

They didn't have black spots but some did have the puss bubbles on their gills.

I never tried eating any but enjoyed catching them.

They were hitting the floss fury and tinsel streamers like crazy.

Fun on a four weight sinking line or a 3 weight floating with an indicator.

What a blast.




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Good Day,


Back in the day... I have accidentally caught perch on black wooly buggers and even bead head pheasant tails while chasing bluegill! I wonder if those big sounded fish on the fish finder were either lake trout or pike...? Also, scroll down and see flies Gooey Caddis Larva, Sili Skin Caddis, Ooey Gooey Grub, and Hise's Waxy that might also be useful to you. They are tied by forum member DHise.





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Thanks. I'll check out the other flies.

It's strange. On fishing for the perch myself there, I was catching loads of them

at 6-12 foot depths.

I later, many times fished the deepest spot, well over 20 feet deep with a sinking 4 weight line

and got absolutely nothing. No perch. Very strange indeed.

Maybe pike did get in there. Who knows.

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