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motor for epoxy dryer

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I'm looking for a good, but relatively cheap motor for the epoxy fly dryer that I am building. Any good suggestions out there?

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I'm looking for a good, but relatively cheap motor for the epoxy fly dryer that I am building. Any good suggestions out there?

Try a cheap fan's occilating motor. Or a rotisere motor.


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I'm looking for a good, but relatively cheap motor for the epoxy fly dryer that I am building. Any good suggestions out there?


I made one from an old can opener. Runs about 4 RPM's. Works great.



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The grill rotisseries are fairly cheap and no dismantling of appliances is needed

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I used a Rotiessrie grill motor with success. A bolt through the foam wheel and filed the sides of the bolt flat to fit in the rotiessrie.


Pretty cheap, I remember less than $10 from ebay for the rotissrise kit.




Good luck!





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How loud is the rotisserie motor?

I have a drier made from an electric can opener. It works OK but it sure makes a racket.

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How loud is the rotisserie motor?

I have a drier made from an electric can opener. It works OK but it sure makes a racket.


Pretty quiet, a relatively low hum/buzz. Another benefit, no cats come running during operation.

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I like the rotisserie motor, I got locally at a second hand store for under $10, might have been under $5. I have used it for 20 years. It adapts with a little tape to turn rods while drying the epoxy, and I kept the long rotisserie rod, so I can add 4 or 5 foam wheels and dry a large # of flies at once. Though I usually keep the epoxy mixing to fly turning ratio at less than 40. I have done a hundred or so Copper Johns in one mix. Thinned the epoxy slightly. I also bought two cheap brass bookends and just drilled the turning holes into them. Ugly, but in a good way.



Cheers, Futzer.


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I remember reading an article once on building a drying wheel with the motor from an old disco ball. I don't know where you would find one nowadays but apprently they put out about 6-7 rpm and are quiet.

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