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Fly Tying
George Serbia

Evil girl

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noone try to join some flies like mine in own collection???? :devil2:



Amazeing !!!! :huh: Always wonder what a plastic surgeon could accomplish at the fly vise !!!! Has any fly ever wanted a gender change ????? And what kind of dubbing do you use for the................I won't even go there !!!!!!! :hyst: :hyst:








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Ok, I have stared at these long enough...it is time to try to make one. Where did you get the red silicon for the 2nd one? The mermaid tail realy sets that one off as the perfect display fly. I truely want to make a few to give away as well.

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And I thought someone revived this thread to rip on Ark Mike :devil:

I love a good joke once in a while...i even try to laugh when i am the butt of one...but that was too long ago to be of any fun any-more...now if he had made another giant oversight recently it would be a completely different matter.

Timing is everything...and it just so happens that things happening in my local area would go quite nicely with having about 15-20 of these...so it is time to learn to make them.

Any-one with ideas on how to make them PLEASE chime in.


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Ok, I have stared at these long enough...it is time to try to make one. Where did you get the red silicon for the 2nd one? The mermaid tail realy sets that one off as the perfect display fly. I truely want to make a few to give away as well.


I buy its in red, clear, black, blue, green, yellow color.

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Ok, I have stared at these long enough...it is time to try to make one. Where did you get the red silicon for the 2nd one? The mermaid tail realy sets that one off as the perfect display fly. I truely want to make a few to give away as well.


I buy its in red, clear, black, blue, green, yellow color.

What kind or by what name?

Any suggestions on where to get it?

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I made several tries. Before i asked what was using i tried using gasket sealer silicon...THAT WAS A REAL MESS! I tried using regular hot glue gun and stick but couldn't even begine to get it to shape out right.

I eventually gave up and went chasing other things. But i would love to try again if i could get some better instructions.

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You know what this fly could use? FISHnets! Ok, ok, I swear that's the last of me.


LOL!! That's all! LOL!!

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You know what this fly could use? FISHnets! Ok, ok, I swear that's the last of me.


where'd you go anyway Titan?

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