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Ostrich Bugger Fly

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excellent bugger! ;) just started working ostrich herl myself, a little delicate, but it has a very nice flow to it. What did you use for the tail on this fly ??



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Glad you all liked the pattern...thanks.

For the tail, I just use the base fibers of the same saddle

feather when I prep it for hackle.

Color combinations could be considered with this fly, but

for the most part, I like to keep this one drab and buggy

looking. Plain and easy.


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Nice pattern. The neat thing about ostrich is it is easy to change the color of the pattern. Say your using 5 herls for the body... You can use 2 black and 3 green or 4 natural and 1 brown...etc... You can really get any shade of color you want to match the insect your after or as I like to do blend the body a bit with the environment I'm fishing. I like to blend the colors for the abdomen then go solid with the darkest color only in the thorax. I'll also just use the ostrich herl tips as the tail fibers with maybe a strand or two krystal flash.

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