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Playing with some hairwings

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Playing around with some hair wings. Still working out the bumpy floss thing. Sorry for the picture quality, I couldn't find the tripod.










I'll post better quality images once I find the darn tripod.



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Nice :headbang: Clearing up floss problems just takes some trial and error and time at the bench to resolve.


What size are these flies? I'm asking because you have six turns in a couple of flies and three in a couple of others. Also, in the last photo, is the ribbing looks loose or is it just my old eyes?


Keep tying, I'd like to see more.

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Thanks guys,


The first three are tied on a #2 Kasaman salmon hooks and the last one is tied on #10 Partridge low water hook. The ribbing is not loose on the last fly but I have run into that problem. Wasn't sure how many turns to put in for the ribbing so I kept it constant with the same fly but not consistant for the size of hook. Is there a rule of thumb for ribbing?



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That Green Highlander should have two turns on the yellow and three on the green portion of the body, that i know for sure. As for a rule of thumb i've always thought 5 was it, looking forward to hearing about it though.


Great ties ibian, very nicely done.

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I like them all ibian. I really like the color scheme in the last one. Most tiers prefer an odd number of ribbing wraps regardless of how many go on. I would suggest cutting the hair amounts on the wings and use 2/3 to 1/2 of what your using. They will tie in better and give you a better formed head. It's very easy to overdo the hair on the wing. A little goes a long way...kind of like the hackle on a dry fly.

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Thanks Carl,


I always start with little hair then end up sticking it on in huge clumps. I'll cut back again. I did some rusty rats on the weekend and did the same thing and when I look at them I like the ones with less materials. Still haven't been able to try them out since we haven't had rain in weeks. Can't wait for the salmon to start the run.



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What do you mean wait for them to start to run, here in Michigan its happening! As far as fly I aree with others, pay attention to what old hat said, you have alittle bulk in the head (won't bother the fish) other than that they look great!

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What do you mean wait for them to start to run, here in Michigan its happening! As far as fly I aree with others, pay attention to what old hat said, you have alittle bulk in the head (won't bother the fish) other than that they look great!


The rivers I fish around here are really really low since we haven't had rain in the longest time. Rivers that have been great producers this time of year have had little to no action yet. I'm out again this weekend to see if the little rain that we had made a difference.



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