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Fly eye problem

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Hi guys.

Recently, I started putting eyes on my streamers.

I use different brands of flat, stick on eyes including the

mirage version.

However, upon applying the cement to the head, the cement

seems to detatch the eyes from the fly.

The eyes seem to react from the cement, no matter what kind

of cement I use.

Do you glue your eyes on first with something like superglue

and then cement the head later?

Eventually I manage to keep the eyes fastened down properly

but it's frustrating.

Any tips?

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stick on eyes that dont stick. try this


once the head is ready, attach some fine clear mono thread. stick the eyes on and then do a criss cross wrap over the eyes with the mono thread




tie off the mono thread and apply a coat or 2 of sally hansen hard as nails or epxoy. the mono wraps are invisible.



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stick on eyes that dont stick. try this


once the head is ready, attach some fine clear mono thread. stick the eyes on and then do a criss cross wrap over the eyes with the mono thread




tie off the mono thread and apply a coat or 2 of sally hansen hard as nails or epxoy. the mono wraps are invisible.



I just wanted to say great job flytire. You not only had a good solution but took the time to post pics how to do it.

This is what makes this forum great.


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great tip FT. I use super glue or ez shape sparkle body, then sometimes dip the head in Softex if the materials are right.

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Had this problem when I used a thinned down plasti dip using their thinner. The eyes would eventually bond up ok but they would become very slick when they touched that stuff and would move just due to gravity. Didn't have the problem when I thinned it with flexament thinner though. I would use a small drop of super glue to set em first then overcoat when you do the head.

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stick on eyes that dont stick. try this


once the head is ready, attach some fine clear mono thread. stick the eyes on and then do a criss cross wrap over the eyes with the mono thread



tie off the mono thread and apply a coat or 2 of sally hansen hard as nails or epxoy. the mono wraps are invisible.


THAT is an excellent solution!

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Before applying the eyes, cement the head. Once it's dried, add the eyes. The adhesive on the stick-on eyes is useless, so I use Loctite Stick-N-Seal, a waterproof glue you can get at the hardware store or WM... great stuff, also works for putting eyes on deer hair bugs. I've yet to lose an eye doing this.



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