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Blue Rat

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Ive always liked this pattern, tied both with light floss and darker floss. You have tied a very very nice head on that fly, beautiful.

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I've been tying them all week, now I'll change colors thanks. I did some of the originals with silver tinsel then noticed that it requires gold. Does it make a difference? The double hook is really nice.

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I've been tying them all week, now I'll change colors thanks. I did some of the originals with silver tinsel then noticed that it requires gold. Does it make a difference? The double hook is really nice.


I don't think the fish care whether the tinsel is gold or silver.


Thank you all for the nice comments. I think all of the Rat series were meant to be tied on double hooks. I do know that Poul Jorgensen designed this flavor of Rat to be tied on a double for Icelandic salmon.

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Very beautiful fly, thanks for sharing.


I prefer single hook myself, but I do tie a few on doubles. This will be one of them. :)

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Beautifully done TroutBum. The double just fits this pattern.



Charlaine - you have to be careful about posting pictures of furry little mammals on a fly tying website. :shifty: What is Remmy wearing? Looks like a dark dun in color. :D

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