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Fly Tying

Gulian's Not For Sale

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Thank you. It measures about 7 inches or 18cm long. I worked on it on and off for a couple of months, about 15 minutes per day. It has 150 separate stacks of deer hair. Two light yellow and one white on the ventral half and one dark yellow and two black on the dorsal half. So, six stacks per iteration for 25 iterations.


The next one I make will most likely only have 4 stacks per iteration, though. Easier to cut and cleaner patterns for the eye...



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I originally started tying these as tube flies, but then moved on to using the double waddington shanks. Maybe I'll post a picture of some of the tube flies that became "work in progress".


Thanks for kind words.

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fantastic homage to the Rapala line of plugs....great craftsmanship with the stacking....beautiful piece of work overall. I would consider myself a world talent if I had only half that skill with deerhair.

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I just got some materials in the mail for the next couple of versions based on the last one, so, once I get my fly tying area cleaned up and organized, I'll tie some more... Should be ready in a couple of years...

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Great looking Lure! Deer Hair can be one of the most universal material that you can create any thing.



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ok for jointed stuff I started with mono, then I moved to dacron, which works awesome for streamers. Resently I've been working on Bruces frog and the dacron sucks for that. So here's my question --- where do you find the little split rings?

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