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dryfly purist

a series of flying ant

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Did someone abduct Terje or post with his computer???


Great ants. I really enjoy when I see you branch out. Not many ants still falling but will definitely tie some of these up for late summer/early fall next year.

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panfish are still hitting ants in shallow water on sunny days, especially near overhangs...great little patterns

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Weres the RAID lol those are some great looking ants.

I think I have like ever fly I have seen that you have posted.

I look forward to seeing what next on you list.




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No, no, no Terje. I just can't decide if I like them...


... so you're gonna have to post them to me to test out ;) :P


Great tying as ever. Haven't seen much of you on the UKFD... hope you're doing well.

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Great looking ties! I have a few of my own that I made for a friends trip out west that I am gonna have to post. Ants are still a good searcher pattern along the banks in winter time so dont be afraid to cast a couple.

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Thanks Dave and Flyfish Dog :D



You wish :D .......i`m afraid they are on their way to a Norwegian buddy of mine so i`m not gonna use them either :)


I have not been much on UKFD lately because my photo account is full at the page i`m downloading pictures from, but i will be back as soon as i have

upgraded my account :) ......... i also have been bothered with the swineflu virus the last couple of weeks but now i`m getting better and hopefully will be back at work

next week.

This virus is a pain in the ass for sure :)



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gotta ask. do oyu concider para's as dry's.------------- I would see my self a purist but Ilove the heart stopping srikes I get on streamers, I tie alot of dry's and emergers -------- any thing to pull them up top

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gotta ask. do oyu concider para's as dry's.------------- I would see my self a purist but Ilove the heart stopping srikes I get on streamers, I tie alot of dry's and emergers -------- any thing to pull them up top


I consider everything that floats as dries...... as long as i can see the rise, i´m a happy man :D



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gotta ask. do oyu concider para's as dry's.------------- I would see my self a purist but Ilove the heart stopping srikes I get on streamers, I tie alot of dry's and emergers -------- any thing to pull them up top


I consider everything that floats as dries...... as long as i can see the rise, i´m a happy man :D



I'll drink to that as there is nothing short of catching a fish on dries. I like em on top!

Get well with that pig flu as it looks to be getting bad everywhere.

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