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I have a coq de leon saddle wich is brilliant, random veniard neck (also good) and som cheap indian and chinese things. But I am wondering about different species, how the next and saddles are on different coqs, what they are used for. For example I would like a saddle with superlong yet thin feathers so I can use one feather to tie say 3-5red tags. (unlike the coq de leon wich is like a triangle-shaped feather)


The roosters I know the names of are Herbert miner, coq de leon and coch-y-bondeau. (of course I understand that JC doesnt beliong in the category)



Help plz.

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thats sort of a vague question..to get long thin saddles and neck hackles it takes years of breeding.. are you raising your own ??? if not what are looking to get, color etc.?

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The reason I want to know about different types of roosters is because I order alot of ebay and the swedish version of ebay and i want to know what I am buying and what not to buy, just a picture doesn't tell me as much as if I know what kind of rooster it is.

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