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Rusty Gates

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I know this should probably be posted in a different forum. Moderators please move it if it doesn't belong here. I just picked a first frequent forum I could think of.


Rusty Gates passed away after his battle with cancer. He loved fly tying, fly fishing, conservation and everything related to it. He will be missed. His website bears the sad news.



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What a shame. Yes he is the owner of Gate's fly shop in Grayling. I never met him but people I know have only good things to say.

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That is sad news. A very well known fellow in Michigan and all over the country, and one of the good guys. He was very involved in the srewardship and protection of his beloved Au Sable river. Gonna miss him.

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This is a true shame. Rusty was one of a kind, and I will miss seeing him in the fly shop on our spring outings on the holy water. Rest in peace Rusty, and leave some trout for the rest of us when we get there.

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Very sad news. I somewhat figured he must not be doing that well since he stopped updating people on how things were going. I had the pleasure of meeting Rusty many times in his shop. He was always a very friendly guy that would offer you a cup of coffee and sit and tell stories and share info the way only a true old time shop owner could do. His work on the Au Sable is something that has helped anyone that has ever stepped foot into it's waters. Rusty will certainly be missed. Going into the shop won;t be the same without Rusty being there.



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This certainly a huge loss for the fishing community, my prayers go out to his friends and family.

I met Rusty in his shop one morning, I had no idea who he was or about what I was doing. I had been a life long hunter and fisherman but had never fly fished in my life. Oh I had bought and read every book I could before taking the plunge but learning how to fly fish out of a book is sort of like learning how to kiss a girl by reading. We discussed top water and streamer fishing but what I was murky on was indicator nymphing and that's what I really wanted to do. I purchased the needed items and had an idea of how it would work, in the time it took him to explain nymph fishing to me we had covered a lot of terrritory. When I was taliking with him about my love of the outdoors and how I was so excited to be fly fishing so I could see Deer and turkeys, the occasional eagle, and also about my concerns for the environment and what we are going to leave for our children I saw his eyes light up a bit. He gave me that wry smile I came to know over the years and followed me out of the shop, he said that since it was such a slow mornig why don't I grab my gear real quick and over the next 30 minutes he taught me more about fly fishing than I could have gotten out of a hundred books.

He then told me about a spot I could go camp and fish the AuSable. It was a place he told me that he camped at when he was in college. I go back to that spot everytime I get the chance and always have a ball. It was at these times I would stop in and say "Hello" and be treated like an old friend.

Tight Lines Gator, I'll see ya up around the next bend!

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I know this should probably be posted in a different forum. Moderators please move it if it doesn't belong here. I just picked a first frequent forum I could think of.


Rusty Gates passed away after his battle with cancer. He loved fly tying, fly fishing, conservation and everything related to it. He will be missed. His website bears the sad news.





I have known Rusty for years. He was a very good friend. I will miss him. RIP Gator.



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