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Fly Tying

tie with this material swap

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Im doing a pattern ,in bergmans book , called the cobler , its a wet fly. In tying it on a #6


That's a nice fly :headbang: Can't wait to see it.

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What are you tying with riffleriversteelheadslayer?


Hey??? For this to work out right doesn't it mean he has to use the siliskin???

I think i found a hole in the starting of this???


I am trying to come up with a married wing muddler minnow for a local contest. So i hope i will be forgiven if i try different styles untill i find something that looks like what i am thinking of. They will all be nice...just each different. I should have been paying closer attention though....thought it was the ussual 12 not 15. Got a lot of work ahead of me. If i get 3-4 a week done it will pushing it.

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Hey??? For this to work out right doesn't it mean he has to use the siliskin???

I think i found a hole in the starting of this???



No, when it fills up there will be 16 people including Paul.

Everyone ties 15 flies, and supplies for the 15 OTHER people not including yourself. It all works out. ;)

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ok this swap is closed and I have to tie with tinsel glad you joined us big e you rock :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

now to come up with a decent pattern :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:

my addy is

Paul Boss

6458 N. Forest Lake dr



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Great to see you finally broke the surface!!!!

I didn't know where you would pop up!


I am setting up my fly clubs outings for this year. Let me know how to get in touch with you.



Welcome back!!!


Frank aka Student4evr


I would have joined if you hadn't.


Is there still room for 1 more??? :dunno:



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Guest Big E
I didn't know where you would pop up!


Ninjas...they're everywhere. :ph34r:


I sent you a PM.

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Guest Big E

Here is my contribution....probably not the use of sili skin you were thinking of (I know I never thought of it)



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