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Snow is falling rapidly here in the winter wonderland formerly known as Maryland. We are supposed to get between 10 and 20 inches tonight and tomorrow. The car got stuck in the 5 foot snow drift that was my driveway today. The other vehicle is buried. I am not even sure where it is anymore. The kids are off of school until next week. ... The wife will be home and I havent left the house in five days. So...who will crack first?

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Just north of Louisville, KY here. Attempted to get to work yesterday. Turned back after about 10 miles. That took an hour.


The last 3 weekends have stayed inside due to weather. So what do I do with these hundreds of flies I've been tying????

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Snow is falling rapidly here in the winter wonderland formerly known as Maryland. We are supposed to get between 10 and 20 inches tonight and tomorrow. The car got stuck in the 5 foot snow drift that was my driveway today. The other vehicle is buried. I am not even sure where it is anymore. The kids are off of school until next week. ... The wife will be home and I havent left the house in five days. So...who will crack first?


Sorry, But it sounds like you already have begun to crack. I do not envy any-one going through those storms. I am thankfull it wasn't us this time around.

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I live in MD also. My wife just talked to my brother in law, he drives a tour bus and headed off to Florida yesterday, he said it's 46 degrees in Orlando.


This global warming thing is getting out of hand! :hyst:

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man global warming is tough! i mean it is freaking HOT outside =) so much heat from global warming



lol Just Kidding...... it is freaking cold......really freaking cold......really freaking high snow in northern va.......


I think i am the first to crack..... i went out fly tying in the snow..... but at least i will be fishing this weekend in 40" of snow =)

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hey there i live in new jersey and the snow just started around 9 last night. So far we have 10 inches and are expecting another 8 or so. And hopefully we'll be off of school tomorrow also we had off today.

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I am still in PA and it was terrible outside. 3rd storm I have been through this year. Still went to training and the roads were hardly touched. Fun ride. Glad it was a short one. They even closed the intertates around here.

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Hey, I remember last winter when the ice storm hit here in Ky and I was out of ALL utilities for weeks. Was grateful to be able to shower at work after the fourth day. AND still didn't miss an hour of work. I'm thankful for the meager 16 inches we had here over the last couple of months...it could always be worse. Imagine being homeless....or worse, watching snow from a fox hole in the mountains of Afghanistan.

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Don't get me wrong, I hope everyone pulls through this most recent storm, but be thankful for our warm homes and ability to communicate from those warm homes....And remember, were just three weeks shy of March!! Now that's something to smile about!

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Hey, I remember last winter when the ice storm hit here in Ky and I was out of ALL utilities for weeks. Was grateful to be able to shower at work after the fourth day. AND still didn't miss an hour of work. I'm thankful for the meager 16 inches we had here over the last couple of months...it could always be worse. Imagiune being homeless....or worst, watching snow from a fox hole in the mountains of Afghanistan.



Right you are BDH, so far here in Nova Scotia, I have not had to shovel snow at all...knock on wood...and I definitely agree about our "boys" over in that hell hole and the homeless in our own countries!

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Sounds like a great reason to get on the vise. "It's to preserve my sanity honey!"

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or worse, watching snow from a fox hole in the mountains of Afghanistan.


Now that sounds like something I could handle. My body will not allow me to join the service, but if I could I would have last year. I know all about being without power, ever been through a hurricane? I went through Hugo in Charleston SC, that was fun.....

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Hey, I remember last winter when the ice storm hit here in Ky and I was out of ALL utilities for weeks. Was grateful to be able to shower at work after the fourth day. AND still didn't miss an hour of work. I'm thankful for the meager 16 inches we had here over the last couple of months...it could always be worse. Imagine being homeless....or worse, watching snow from a fox hole in the mountains of Afghanistan.


Don't drop the soap at work. Now that's an occupational hazard. :hyst:

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